Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan


The Greenways Master Plan was first adopted in 1995 to guide the development of a network of greenways across unincorporated Hillsborough County. The goal of the plan is to provide direction to County staff and stakeholders for the implementation of greenways. As a policy document, the plan provides direction to Hillsborough County staff and agency and industry stakeholders for the implementation of greenways. This update to the Greenways Master Plan is an op- portunity to evaluate the 1995 plan ’ s vision, objec- tives, and recommendations. Key elements of the plan update include:

· Create greenways design guidance · Determine next steps

The master planning process relies on understanding the current conditions, conducting extensive public engagement to develop a Vision Plan, prioritizing the needs, and developing an Action Plan which consists of cost estimates with potential funding sources, de- sign guidance, and recommended next steps ( Figure 1 ). The purpose of the Greenways and Trails Master Plan is to document the current greenway network and establish prioritized, implementable actions to guide investments that meet the community ’ s needs. The plan focuses on connecting existing and planned greenways in Hillsborough County to create a network of paved trails, unpaved trails, blueways (waterways for non - motorized recreational use), and natural corri- dors for recreation, transportation, and preservation.

· Document existing conditions · Develop a Vision Plan · Conduct public engagement · Establish project prioritization · Develop planning cost estimates



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