Corridors identified may be used by a wide variety of users: people on foot, on bikes (including mountain bikes, road bikes, and traditional and pedal - assist bikes), on horseback, in kayaks and canoes, and on stand - up paddle boards, although not all trails ac- commodate all users. User compatibility and the dis- tinct needs of different user types are discussed in this plan. Some corridors will be primarily natural, with lit- tle or no access to people, but which promote the healthy functioning of natural systems and provide habitat and mobility for wildlife. The plan recommendations refine the vision of the county ’ s greenway network and provide guidance for future policies, projects, programs, and work plans. This plan suggests potential greenway corridors, but in many cases more detailed work will be needed to determine specific alignments. The community ’ s overarching vision for the Hills- borough County greenway network is a system of connected paved trails, unpaved trails, blueways, and natural corridors that provide opportunities for recre- ation, transportation, and conservation. This vision is at the core of the Greenways and Trails Master Plan. Many of the County ’ s greenways protect important natural and historical resources and integrate compat- ible recreational and educational activities. The Coun- ty ’ s greenways and conservation lands together are some of the community ’ s most valuable assets be- cause they move people, preserve ecological systems and wildlife habitats, and provide ecosystem services
such as stormwater management in flood - prone are- as.
The following document contains three sections: the Vision Plan, the Action Plan, and an Appendix. The Vision Plan provides the background of the existing greenways network in Hillsborough County, a sum- mary of the community engagement that informed the Plan, and the Vision Map and Objectives that will guide the future development of greenways in Hills- borough County. The Action Plan describes the prioritization process for ranking the Vision greenway projects, and includes planning - level cost estimates for select projects, fund- ing strategies, and design guidance. The Appendix contains the detailed metrics that in- formed the plan, such as projected future population growth, the availability of greenways to underserved populations, and user trends. The Appendix also offers a full inventory of existing greenways, a review of pre- vious plans that relate to this Master Plan, a complete public engagement report, detailed prioritization re- sults, information on the maintenance and operation of greenways, and an evaluation of the progress since the 1995 Greenways Master Plan.
Figure 1: Master plan update process
Assess Existing Conditions
Develop Vision Plan
Prioritize Needs
Develop Action Plan
Public Engagement
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