Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Natural corridors are comprised of natural features such as rivers, creeks, coastal and freshwater wetlands, wooded uplands, wildlife corridors, and other natural areas. These corridors often follow rivers and streams, but can also include intact woodland or scrub areas and other open land. They are primarily for land con- servation, protection of waterways, and wildlife mobil- ity, and may have limited access for recreation. “ Greenways ” is an inclusive term used to refer to all of the above types of corridors. While “ greenway ” and “ trail ” are used interchangeably in common parlance, this plan will seek to follow the definitions above, ex- cept when referring to the entire greenway and blue- way system. For ease of reading, these will be referred to as the “ greenway network ” or “ greenways ” as an inclusive term.

Who Uses Hillsborough County Greenways?

The County ’ s greenway network attracts many types of users, all of which have unique needs and expectations—they may want to explore nature, exercise vigorously, or just take a breath of fresh air. Broadly speaking, the ways people use greenways fit into the following categories:

• Walk, hike, run, wheel, skate • Bicycle • Equestrian • Paddling

These different users sometimes have different needs for facilities and amenities. And how they use the greenways can sometimes create con- flict – people on mountain bike and people on horseback may both be able to use unpaved greenways, and greenway planning and use by individuals needs to be done carefully and with safety in mind to reduce those conflicts.

Kayaking on the Hillsborough River



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