Why Greenways? The greenway network provides many benefits to people who live, work, and play in Hillsborough Coun- ty. Trails provide places for physical activity, contribute to a multimodal transportation network, connect peo- ple with nature, and spur economic development. Natural corridors preserve natural environments and provide dedicated space for wildlife and vegetation. Open space preservation. Conserving natural re- sources is an important piece of the legacy we will leave for Hillsborough County ’ s future generations. Natural corridors preserve open spaces in the face of rapid development, protecting habitat for the many animals, insects, and plants that are important and unique to our region. Natural corridors also improve water and air quality, as they mitigate stormwater run- off, encourage water table recharge, and provide space for trees that reduce carbon dioxide in the at- mosphere. Health. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that moderate physical ac- tivity can substantially improve one ’ s physical health, mental health, and quality of life. 1 Greenways provide inexpensive opportunities for active lifestyles by dedi- cating space for people to walk, wheel, jog, and bike. Greenways and trails also offer access to nature where people can relax and recharge.
Recreation. The greenway network provides a dedi- cated space for people to exercise outdoors and enjoy the natural environment. Many greenways are also connected to parks, water - based activities, and other areas for play. Active Transportation. Greenways that are integrated with the sidewalk, bikeway, and public transit networks can serve as active transportation corridors, connect- ing people to the places they need and want to go. As greenways should be physically separated from vehic- ular traffic, they can also often provide a more com- fortable active transportation experience for people of all ages and abilities. Economic Development. As a desired community asset, greenways often increase adjacent property val- ues, which benefits property owners, developers, and local government agencies. They also attract business- es and tourists, spurring economic investment and activity. Greenway access near businesses has been shown to increase sales revenue. 2
Old Fort King Trail
Sources: 1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, (1999). https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/ sgr/pdf/execsumm.pdf
2. Greenville Health System, Swamp Rabbit Trail: Year 2 Findings, (2014). https://www.rutherfordcountync. gov/document_center/Outdoor% 20Recreation%20 - %20 Economic%20Impact%20Analysis/SRT%20Impact%20 Study%20Year%202%20Final.pdf
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