Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

HILLSBOROUGH BLUEWAYS A Unique Greenway Experience

Existing Greenways: Unpaved Sur- face Hillsborough County has many miles of unpaved greenways, most of which are within parks, pre- serves, and other conservation land. These trails can accommodate people on foot and on bike, and some are specially designated for people on horseback. Figure 4 on page 22 shows the trails designated for equestrian use as well as the oth- er unpaved trails. Unpaved trails are well - suited to conservation areas and are most commonly used for recrea- tion. They provide a closer connection with the natural environment and have a lighter impact on sensitive areas compared to paved trails. They can be implemented in a variety of surface types, including dirt, gravel, crushed shell, and wooden boardwalk. Unpaved trails are used by people on foot, on bikes (including mountain bikes), and on horseback. Existing Greenways: Blueways Blueways provide a unique greenway experience for both residents and visitors, and can be found along various navigable waterways such as the Hillsborough River, as well as inlets in Tampa Bay. Blueways are for those using non - motorized wa- tercraft like kayaks, canoes, and stand - up paddle- boards. The Tampa Bay shoreline, along with the streams and rivers that feed into it, features some of the best blueway paddling routes in Florida. Blue- ways include facilities and amenities that help paddlers safely and conveniently find and access launch sites and navigate through the water. An inventory of the County ’ s existing blueways is provided in Appendix B. Blueways and Launch Ramps are shown in Figure 5 on page 23.



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