Walk Tampa Bay, Florida Wildlife Corridor, and the Sierra Club of Tampa Bay.
In May 2022, Hillsborough County embarked on a mission to update its 1995 Greenways Master Plan. The primary objective was to ensure that the up- dated plan resonated with the needs and desires of the community, guiding both current and future decisions related to greenway projects and en- hancements. To achieve this, the county empha- sized early and continuous engagement with a di- verse range of community stakeholders. This in- cluded residents, business operators, special inter- est groups, government agencies, and members of the Hillsborough Greenways Committee (HGC). The overarching goal was to develop a vision for a greenway system that would appeal to both resi- dents and visitors. The public engagement process was multifaceted. The Hillsborough Greenways Committee, a key player in this initiative, held eight public meetings over the course of more than a year to discuss the plan update. The broader community was also ac- tively involved. During the summer of 2022, the county organized community listening sessions and an online survey. These activities aimed to gather insights on how residents currently use the greenways and their aspirations for the future. By fall 2022, community workshops were set up to present drafts of the greenways vision map and the criteria for prioritizing greenway projects. Ad- ditionally, a visual preference survey was launched to gauge public opinion on various greenway fea- tures. The county's outreach efforts were extensive. They collaborated with a myriad of community stake- holders, including advocacy organizations like Bike
Municipal governments, youth organizations, utili- ty companies, and other businesses also played a role in shaping the master plan. To ensure maxi- mum participation, the county organized several community listening sessions in different locations. These sessions, held in July and August 2022, were designed to gather feedback on potential new greenways and suggestions for improvements. Fol- lowing these sessions, the county held community vision workshops in November 2022. These work- shops provided a platform for residents to review and comment on the draft Greenways Vision Map and other performance measures. Online engagement was another crucial aspect of the public engagement process. The county main- tained an online hub that featured various pro- jects, including the Greenways and Trails Master Plan update. This hub, with approximately 40,000 subscribers, was used to launch two surveys that coincided with the summer Community Listening Sessions and the fall Community Vision Work- shops.
A final outreach opportunity to provide comments on the draft plan was held in fall 2023.
The 2024 update of the Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan is a testament to the power of public engagement. By actively in- volving the community at every step, the county has ensured that the master plan reflects the col- lective vision of its residents, paving the way for a green and sustainable future.
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