Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan


Performance Measures

The Greenways and Trails Master Plan ’ s extensive Vision Map consists of proposed greenways identi- fied through previous planning efforts, the existing conditions evaluation, and public engagement. To set the stage for implementing the plan ’ s rec- ommendations, each potential project—which ex- ists as a conceptual corridor, not a specific align- ment or segmentation—has been evaluated and prioritized based on how well it is expected to meet key needs of the County. The results will help the County understand which needs should be studied further and possibly de- velop specific alignments. The basis for this prioritization procedure is the following series of performance measures that serve as prioritization criteria: Access to Opportunity: A more complete green- ways network can provide the County ’ s residents, particularly those who rely on non - auto modes of transportation, with a viable way to travel to desti- nations that lead to increased opportunities for success. Two access to opportunity measures were

identified: one related to school access (proximity of proposed greenways to schools and colleges) and one related to transit access (proximity to HART fixed route bus service, which, while not providing service to all areas, in turn provides transit access throughout much of the County). Community Access: The County ’ s greenways net- work should be expanded in such a way that it provides enhanced transportation and recreational opportunities to historically underserved commu- nities. The Plan Hillsborough Nondiscrimination and Equity Plan (2021) identifies focus areas for a more equitable distribution of resources that could be better served based on Census Tract - level race and ethnicity, age, sex, language, income, and dis- ability demographics. Connections to Nature: As the County ’ s popula- tion swells, citizens have stressed the importance of maintaining opportunities to connect with their natural environment. Greenways of all kinds offer a way for this to happen. This measure considers el- ements such as shade, separation from motor ve- hicle traffic, and biophilic design principles.



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