Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Demand Indicators: There are numerous indi- vidual and societal benefits of greenway use, including improved public health, emissions re- ductions, energy conservation, community liva- bility, and economic development. For these and other benefits to be realized at a large scale, greenways must be well - utilized, which in many cases requires a significant nearby popu- lation base. This measure incorporates a dis- tance - weighted population proximity tool de- veloped by FDOT. Economic and Employment Opportunity: As noted above, economic development is among the benefits that thriving greenways can pro- vide. This measure considers the proximity of proposed greenway corridors to commercial and employment establishments, capturing both the potential for new and redevelopment and opportunities for residents to have en- hanced access to jobs. Network Connectivity: Isolated greenway seg- ments offer limited utility relative to those that are interconnected and provide opportunities for longer - distance trips. Hillsborough County strives to have a well - connected network of greenways, including connections to the on - road bicycle and pedestrian network and to ex- isting and planned greenways in neighboring jurisdictions. This measure evaluates the poten- tial of new segments to help complete the net- work, with a special emphasis on closing exist- ing gaps. Proximity to Other Key Public Facilities: While proximity to some significant trip attrac- tors is already included in other performance measures, greenway access to additional key public facilities is also important. This measure considers the locations of facilities such as parks, libraries, and government centers relative to proposed greenways. Safety: Those who travel on greenways are in- herently vulnerable users of the transportation system. Safety considerations are paramount when evaluating potential new greenways. Within this plan, safety is evaluated both rela- tive to interactions with motor vehicle traffic (frequency of roadway crossings) and as an al- ternative to in - roadway bicycle and pedestrian travel on roads that have proven safety issues (proximity to roadway corridors included in the Hillsborough TPO ’ s High Injury Network).

Brooker Creek Preserve



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