Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan


Estimating the costs of greenways in a planning context is an inexact science. Construction time- lines are undefined, and materials costs can fluctu- ate month - to - month. The details of design and property acquisition, and therefore the cost estimates, for greenways can vary greatly once an exact alignment is determined and appropriate amenities, gateway treatments, parking areas, and other features are identified. Cost estimating in a planning context is akin to the accuracy of the 10th day of a 10 - day weather fore- cast—determining how much materials will cost in 10 or 20 years is inherently inaccurate, even with the most precise estimating tools. Therefore, the unit costs outlined in this chapter are intended to provide a snapshot of costs, giving an indication of the order of magnitude of the costs for planned greenways. This framework can be used in the fu- ture to develop future planning level cost esti- mates. For certain projects, Long Range Estimates (LREs) developed by other agencies may be used as supplemental cost estimators.

Upper Tampa Bay Trail

The unit costs outlined in this chapter provide a snapshot of greenway costs for planning purposes.

Wilderness Trails, Flatwoods Conservation Park




Kayaking on the Hillsborough River



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