Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Figure 17. Local/regional funding sources

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The Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) offers grants of up to $5,000 for projects that promote the environmental health of the Tampa Bay watershed. The grant can fund greenways if their creation helps in the restoration, conservation, and man- agement of the watershed.

Tampa Bay Estu- ary Program (TBEP) Mini - Grants (Date Accessed: March 2023)

County Municipalities Non - profits School Districts Other

https://tbep.org/ our - work/ restoration - research/bay - mini - grants/

Greenway Other

The Southwest Florida Water Manage- ment District (SWFWMD) Cooperative Funding Initiative (CFI) provides grants for a wide variety of projects related to water resources. Funding includes the creation of greenways and other recrea- tional facilities that provide access to bodies of water including rivers, streams, and lakes. The funding varies by year, and provides both cost - share and matching grants.

Southwest Flori- da Water Man- agement District (SWFWMD) Co- operative Fund- ing Initiative (CFI) (Date Accessed: March 2023)

https:// www.swfwmd.state. fl.us/business/ finance/ cooperative - funding - initiative

County Municipalities Non - profits Other

Greenway Amenities Connectivity Other

Figure 18. State funding sources

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Federal High- way Admin- istration (FHWA) Trans- portation Al- ternatives Set - Aside Program (TA) (Date Ac- cessed: March 2023) Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) (Date Accessed: March 2023)

The Transportation Alternatives Program (a FHWA grant through the FDOT) pro- vides grants for smaller - scale transporta- tion projects that improve and create alternatives to motorized transportation, including on - and off - road facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians, recreational trails, accessibility improvements, and safe routes for non - drivers.

Greenway Bicycle

https:// www.fdot.gov/ planning/systems/ tap/default.shtm

County Municipalities

Pedestrian Amenities Connectivity Other

County governments, incorporated mu- nicipalities, and other local government entities are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $200,000 for the acquisition or de- velopment of land for public outdoor recreation.

https:// floridadep.gov/ lands/land - and - recreation - grants/ content/frdap - assistance

Greenway Amenities Other

County Municipalities



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