Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Figure 19. Federal funding sources

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Project Type




The Land and Water Conservation Fund is a federal competitive grant program that provides funding for acquisition or devel- opment of land for public outdoor recrea- tion use. The grant is allocated by the Na- tional Parks Service through state agencies for use by state and local governments. The grant matches applicant dollars with feder- al funds at a ratio of 1:1 for up to $1.5 mil- lion.

https:// floridadep.gov/ lands/land - and - recreation - grants/ content/lwcf - assistance

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) (Date Accessed: March 2023)

County Municipalities Other


This program provides federal grants fund- ed by FHWA for the development of recre- ational trails, trailheads, and trailside facili- ties. Funding is administered at the state level by the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection. The maximum grant request for non - motorized projects cannot exceed $500,000, and the maximum re- quest for motorized projects cannot exceed $2.5 million.

Federal High- way Admin- istration (FHWA) - Recre- ational Trails Program (RTP) (Date Accessed: March 2023)

https:// floridadep.gov/ lands/land - and - recreation - grants/ content/ recreational - trails - program - grant - assistance

County Municipalities Non - profits Other

Greenway Bicycle Pedestrian

Greenway Bicycle

Federal Trans- portation Alter- natives Pro- gram (TAP) (Date Accessed: March 2023) RAISE (Rebuilding American Infra- structure with Sustainability and Equity) (Date Accessed:

https:// www.fhwa.dot.gov/ environment/ transporta- tion_alternatives/

County Municipalities Non - profits Other

TAP is a federal grant program that pro- vides funding in support of alternative modes of transportation, including pedes- trian and bicycle trails and amenities.

Pedestrian Amenities Connectivity Other

Grants intended to provide funding to pro- jects to build or repair surface transporta- tion networks, with a particular focus on equity. Minimum capital projects grant of $5 million for urban areas and $1 million for rural areas. Max grant of $25 - 45 million.

County Municipalities Transit Agencies Other

https:// www.transportation. gov/RAISEgrants/ about

Greenway Other



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