Figure 20. Private funding sources
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Project Type
People for Bikes provides Community Grants of up to $10,000 annually for projects that improve cycling in communities across the US. However, the grant will not fund projects in which the grant funding would amount to 50% or more of the project budget. The pro- gram typically awards grants to non - profits and local governments. Examples of projects the grant has funded include bike trails and bike lanes, bike parks, and bike infrastructure such as bike racks, bike parking, and bike re- pair stations. Each year, a total of 15 grant applicants may receive $1,500 in community grants for pro- jects related to creating healthy, active, and engaged places to live, work and play. The program has a history of funding a diverse range of applicants and diverse range of pro- jects, including walking and cycling paths and other outdoor recreation spaces. Rails to Trails awards approximately $85,000 per year to organizations and local govern- ments that are implementing projects to build and improve mixed - use trails. The program has historically funded cities and counties, cycling and pedestrian organizations, and other non - profits. NRPA provides grants and technical assistance to support planning efforts that help cities increase access to high ‐ quality parks and greenspaces within a 10‐ minute walk. The last round of grants provided 10 cities with $40,000. The NRPA, Trust for Public Land (TPL), Urban Land Institute, and additional national and local experts also offer technical support, including access and support for planning and mapping tools such as TPL ’ s ParkServe and Parkology, peer ‐ to ‐ peer sup- port and networking opportunities, and na- tional visibility through publications.
People for Bikes
Greenway Bicycle Amenities Connectivity
County Municipalities Non - profits Other
https:// www.peopleforb - guidelines
Community Grant (Date Accessed: March 2023)
County Municipalities Non - profits Transit Operators School Districts Other
Greenway Bicycle
America Walks Community Change Grants Program (Date Accessed: March 2023)
https:// ameri- programs/ community - change - grants/
Pedestrian Amenities Connectivity Other
Greenway Bicycle
Rails to Trails - Doppelt Family Trail Develop- ment Fund (Date Accessed: March 2023)
https:// www.railstotrails. org/our - work/ grants/doppelt/
County Municipalities Non - profits
Pedestrian Amenities Connectivity Other
National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) - 10 - Minute Walk Planning Grant and Technical Assistance (Date Accessed: March 2023)
County Municipalities Non - profits
Greenway Connectivity Other
https:// livable - communities/ community - challenge/info - 2023/2023 - challenge.html
This program provides small grants for quick - action projects to help communities become more livable for people of all ages (but partic- ularly those 50+). Past projects have received grants between $500 and $50,000, with an average grant of roughly $12,000.
Greenway Bicycle Pedestrian Amenities Other
AARP Commu- nity Challenge (Date Accessed: August 2023)
County Municipalities Non - profits
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