Paved Greenways
People use paved greenways for social, recreational, and transportation purposes. Pathways connecting to adjacent destinations, neighborhoods, and parks are to be encouraged and incorporated into the greenway design to facilitate access and use. The existing paved greenways through suburban residential areas and parks may be extended and incorporated as spurs and loops of the larger paved greenways network. Where paved greenways end, suitable transitions enable greenway users to continue to travel on sidewalks or other facilities, or connect to the roadway network ( Figure 22 ). Paved greenways are primarily intended for non - motorized users and powered conveyances such as assistive devices for pedestrians with disabilities or limited classes of pedal - assist e - bicycles. The specifi- cally allowed classes and types of devices and vehicles should reflect the current County policies, Florida Statutes, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In some limited cases, the context may be suit-
able and greenway planning may consider speed - regulated use by throttled electric vehicles that do not require physical effort such as scooters, e - bikes, or golf carts. The use of greenways by these types of us- ers is guided by Hillsborough County policy and Flori- da Statutes. Additional greenway width is preferable to any strip- ing configuration to accommodate higher volumes and mixes of user groups. Desirable paved greenway widths facilitate comfortable side - by - side travel and safe passing. In all cases, greenway users are encour- aged to travel at a safe speed within the limits of their control and ability to yield appropriately.
Figure 22. Paved greenway incorporating nature and making neighborhood connections
Upper Tampa Bay Trail
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