Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Blueways The Tampa Bay shoreline, along with the streams and rivers that feed into it, feature some of the best blue- way paddling routes in Florida. Paddlers can access diverse marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems. Providing several types of facilities, amenities, and in- formation can help paddlers safely and conveniently find and access the many launch sites. Launch facilities Public launch sites often require facilities to access the waterways and protect the surrounding natural re- sources. The need for amenities such as parking and restrooms means that the best option is often to co - locate paddling launch sites within parks or at larger boat ramps. Blueways in suburban areas are often flanked by residences and private docks that also pro- vide paddling access. The simplest launch access point is a sandy beach, which can also provide the lowest stress launching conditions for novice paddlers. However, it may be difficult to access open water from sandy beaches during low tide. In high - use areas, the beach and bank areas may need stabilization to prevent erosion ( Figure 32 ). In some instances, paddlers may access the water at concrete ramps used to load and unload boats from trailers. However, these areas can often be

congested, and novice paddlers may not feel comfort- able operating near motorized vessels. Dedicated ac- cess for paddlers can be provided via fixed piers or floating docks that can move up and down with the changing tidal water levels ( Figure 33 ). Fixed piers can prove difficult for many types of watercraft; if there is a large distance between the pier and the water, boats can slide away underneath the pier, and boaters often have to maneuver their bodies in ways that can lead to capsize. Customized launching ramps with rollers are favored by some paddlers and disliked by others who find them difficult to use when exiting the water as they require significant upper body strength ( Figure 34 ). Multiple launch options are important due to the diversity of watercraft types, as well as the diversity in skill and physical abilities of users.

Figure 32: Stabilized beach/bank launching



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