Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Blueways Public Information and Wayfinding Blueway users require continuously updated infor- mation regarding the seasonal and daily water level changes that result from tides and storms. To provide essential and timely updates specific to this user group, the following information should be provided for each launch site and be accessible by a combina- tion of websites, phone applications, and printed ma- terials. Specific details should be provided about the launch area facilities and routes accessible from each launch area including whether there are restrooms and whether camping is available along any of the associated paddling routes. Resources provided for paddlers should include public access hours, any parking limitations and costs, and applicable boating regulations. In addition to regulations, the materials can promote safety awareness and behaviors, foster natural resources stewardship, and share the relevant historical information for each site. In addition to making the launch area details available for those re- searching from afar, these details are also valuable once paddlers are at the sites and can be displayed on informational signage and kiosks. The on - site signage should include QR codes (or similar) that lead to online information for those seeking timely updates such as weather and tides.

Once paddlers have left shore, they need wayfinding signage to find landing points and navigate the desig- nated routes. The most traditional form of wayfinding is to provide signage to help paddlers identify where they are and guide them to destinations ( Figure 35 ). These signs can be particularly valuable in locations that typically see large numbers of tourists or loca- tions where multiple route options are possible. Signs are often numbered and correspond to a map, availa- ble both printed and online, to help users navigate the waterway. The Pinellas County Blueways Guide serves as a best practice example for sharing the types of information most valuable to paddlers. The content is available as both a document that may be printed as well as an interactive online mapping tool. In both formats, the following essential information is provided for pad- dlers: maps of launch sites and possible paddling routes ( Figure 39 ), GPS coordinates for launch sites and other key destinations, and detailed information about launch sites including launch facilities, ameni- ties, and destinations accessible from each site.

Figure 35. Wayfinding signage for paddlers



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