Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Monitoring Greenway Use

Greenway use can be monitored and documented us- ing a consistent and repeated process. Automated counting technologies can distinguish user types, speeds, and directions of travel. Counting equipment can be included as a part of all greenway design and construction projects using most typical funding sources. A routine process for extracting and pro- cessing data to be shared with the public can be used to inform overall operational management and may support broader County efforts such as healthy activi- ty promotion campaigns integrated with the overall greenways online presence.

Greenways serve as infrastructure and also as ele- ments of placemaking. Following adopted greenway design guidelines will contribute to both safe and convenient infrastructure and enjoyable places for Hillsborough County residents and visitors to connect with nature, recreate, and travel. These guidelines are meant to offer guidance while remaining flexible and not superseding already adopt- ed practices by the County ’ s implementing agencies.

Figure 39. Best Practice example of custom wayfinding panels, Gemini Springs Park



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