For zero - vehicle households, greenways can provide low - cost access to schools, jobs, and other services and opportunities. Additionally, people in households without a vehicle can enjoy the benefits of greenways outside of transportation; access to nature, including blueways, has recreational and mental health benefits. Figure 43 shows a dot density map of zero - vehicle households in Hillsborough County. Households with- out a vehicle constitute approximately two percent of the national population, and only one percent of the Hillsborough County population. The primary areas where households live without vehicles in unincorpo- rated Hillsborough County, whether by choice or by financial hardship, include the University area, Town ‘ N ’ Country, and Sun City Center.
Community Access It is important to understand how the Hillsborough County greenways network today serves people whose voices and needs have not historically been included in planning efforts. In the 2021 Nondiscrimi- nation and Equity Plan, the Hillsborough Transporta- tion Planning Organization (TPO) identified the most underserved communities based on the number of different underserved community characteristics that overlap in each location. These communities have populations that are underserved in multiple ways, having high concentrations (in the 80th percentile) of four or more of the following characteristics: racial minority, ethnic minority, limited English proficiency, older adults, youth, low - income, people with disabili- ties, people without a high school diploma, house- holds with no vehicles, and female - headed house- holds. The most underserved communities in unincorporated Hillsborough County include Wimauma, portions of Memorial Highway, Town ‘ N ’ Country, and the area west of the University of South Florida. Figure 42 shows the locations of these communities, along with existing greenway facilities. This map shows that underserved communities in Town ‘ N ’ Country, Upper Tampa Bay, and near the border with Manatee County are served by trails and greenways in their communi- ty. However, many underserved communities in unin- corporated Hillsborough County have no direct access to a greenway, trail, or blueway.
Old Fort King Trail
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