Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

The County's Greenways Master Plan, originally devel- oped in 1995, envisioned a comprehensive network of trails serving various groups through different facility types. Over the years, the County has diligently worked towards its implementation. In 2022, a review and update of the plan commenced involving commu- nity engagement to assess if the original vision and goals still align with community needs. “ Greenways ” is an inclusive term used to refer to paved trails, unpaved trails, blueways (or water trails), and/or natural corridors. The greenway network may be used by people on foot, on bicycle, on horseback, or paddling. The following document contains three sections: the Vision Plan, the Action Plan, and an Appendix. The Vi- sion Plan provides the background of the existing greenways network in Hillsborough County, a sum- mary of the community engagement that informed

the Plan, and the Vision Map and Objectives that will guide the future development of greenways in Hillsborough County. The Action Plan describes the prioritization process for ranking the Vision greenway projects, and in- cludes planning - level cost estimates for select pro- jects, funding strategies, and design guidance. The Appendix contains the detailed metrics that in- formed the plan, such as projected future popula- tion growth, the availability of greenways to under- served populations, and user trends. The Appendix also offers a full inventory of existing greenways, a review of previous plans that relate to this Master Plan, a complete public engagement report, de- tailed prioritization results, information on the maintenance and operation of greenways, and an evaluation of the progress since the 1995 Green- ways Master Plan.

Figure 1: Master plan update process

Assess Existing Conditions

Develop Vision Plan

Prioritize Needs

Develop Action Plan

Public Engagement



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