Hillsborough County Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Figure 46: Bike lane access 2

Bike Lanes Significance

Evaluation of Existing Conditions About 210 miles of greenways, making up 43 per- cent of the network, are accessible from bike lanes (see Figure 46 ). As with sidewalks, these accessible greenways are mainly in suburban areas in the west- ern and southwestern parts of the county, as well as the greenway network in Flatwoods Park and Lower Hillsborough Wilderness Preserve. While some trails are connected to bike lanes, many people do not consider on - street bike lanes to provide safe and comfortable connections sufficient to move between the places they live, work, and play and the green- way network.

A well - connected network of bike facilities that help people of all ages and abilities feel safe and com- fortable is essential for people to choose bicycling as their way of accessing greenways in Hillsborough County. The bike lanes discussed here include paint- ed on - road bike lanes and off - street sidepaths. It does not include shared lane markings or wide out- side lanes, as these facilities provide less separation and are often not designed for use by people of all ages and abilities.

2. Bike lane data from Hillsborough County GeoHub, May 2022.



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