Bridge Firm Recovery August 2019

Cover story, continued ...

Having all the essentials — and a few extra items —will make the initial adjustment that much easier for your child and reduce the number of panicked phone calls home.

but meaningful items your child might not have for a while, like a box of their favorite cookies, a recipe card with their favorite meal, a pack of extra batteries, or a letter expressing your love and support.



There are a lot of life lessons parents should go over with their kids before they start living on their own, like how to avoid eating ramen noodles at every meal, for example. But, beyond technical skills, it’s important to make sure kids have healthy coping mechanisms. Even adults who have been living on their own for years can struggle with the stress of responsibility. Offer advice on how to deal with the stress of balancing work or school, navigating awkward social interactions, and staying calm in overwhelming situations.

Once everything is moved into the dorm or apartment, say goodbye to your kid and take your leave. It can be tempting to find reasons to linger a bit longer, but resist the urge to order pizza or straighten out the photos on the wall. It’s hard to leave your baby behind, but this is their first big step into adulthood, and you should let them take it. Hugs are okay, and so is promising to check in by phone later, but leaving quickly shows your child that you are confident in their ability to survive on their own. There will be a lot of tearful goodbyes this time of year, but if you face these challenges with the right mindset, you and your child will be set up for success.


Think of it like the care package you sent the first time your child went to summer camp. Leave them with a box full of some nonessential

GOING GREEN 3 Sustainable Moves Your Business Can Make Today


On May 15, 2019, more than 1 million students around the world skipped school to call attention to climate change. The effort included over 2,000 protests aimed at legislators in 25 countries, which is no small feat for a bunch of middle and high school students. For businesses, movements like these should be red flags because today’s students are tomorrow’s consumers and employees. Luckily, there are plenty of simple moves you can make to lower your business’s environmental impact. Just be sure to avoid “greenwashing”— a term for marketing initiatives that make companies look environmentally friendly, even when they’re making no effort. Here are some tips to better our planet and help your business attract today’s climate-conscious youth.

Buying a dishwasher for the office kitchen and providing reusable silverware, cups, and plates will cut down on that waste.

According to the EPA, the average office worker uses 10,000 pieces of paper per year. Multiply that by everyone in your company, and you have a whole forest in your building waiting to be saved. With advances in technology that provide replacements for products like punch cards and spreadsheets, why not ditch internal paper altogether? After China announced in 2018 that it would no longer accept the majority of U.S. plastics for recycling, single-use plastics like cling wrap, water cooler cups, and plasticware became impossible to recycle in most cities. As a result, more than 6 million tons of those plastics end up in local landfills and the oceans each year. INVEST IN A DISHWASHER


If your city provides recycling and composting services, this step can be as simple as making sure the bins in your office are visible and educating your employees on what should be tossed where. Barring a local compost program, you can start your own company compost pile for things like coffee grounds, lawn clippings, and lunch leftovers. If you don’t know what can be composted or recycled or are unsure if you are allowed to create your own compost pile, city officials and the internet are there to help.

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