Head of Environmental Sustainability - QMUL

Duties and Responsibilities

Job Description

• Develop a QMUL wide environmental policy with supporting guidelines for implementation across the campuses by participating in environmental steering groups or committees, undertaking environmental audits, producing environmental reports and providing environmental training. • Work with academic departments and students to achieve best environmental practice to ensure statutory & legal compliance. Lead on developing cross department environmental and sustainability initiatives. Move QMUL towards “Green” practices in its day-to-day operations. • Be the lead person for QMUL in respect of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), advising on duties and commitments and ensuring that QMUL is in the most advantageous position in respect of trading commitments. • Develop sustainable procurement solutions within QMUL, working with procurement, and especially with Estates and Facilities, develop a sustainable approach in its procurement of, construction works and management of all new buildings and refurbishments works. • Promote environmental awareness by producing articles, exhibitions, and other publicising tools across QMUL and develop programmes that minimise re-use or recycle waste. • Provide professional advice to QMUL and the Waste Manager for the Directorate in the delivery of their objectives of reducing the environmental impact of QMUL in the removal of all waste production in an environmental manner. • To liaise with research councils and other external agencies. • Provide secretariat support to the QMUL Sustainability Committee. The above list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and the jobholder may be required to undertake other duties commensurate with the level of the role, as reasonably requested by their line manager. This job description sets out the duties of the post at the time it was drawn up. Such duties may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the duties or level of the responsibility entailed. Such variations are a common occurrence and cannot in themselves justify a reconsideration of the grading of the post.

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