Brown's Angus Ranch - 27th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/9/25]

Brown Double Decker 0004 - Power, performance, and superior structure...


Brown Double Decker 0004 B-Date 01/17/20 Bull+ 19934857 Tattoo 0004 MOGCK Sure Shot Mogck Bullseye Mogck Mary 1255

CW 66 MARB 0.76 REA 0.47 FAT 0.093

Hoover No Doubt

Sydgen C C & 7

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2

Miss Blackcap Ellston D154 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003

S A V 8180 Traveler 004

S A V Blackcap May 7888

S A F 598 Bando 5175

S A V May 2397

S A V May 7238

CED BW WW MILK YW $EN BW 205 WT WDA -2 4.4 81 18 133 -21 96 1016 4.37 A big power bull with extra size, length, muscle and power. His performance is hard to beat in all areas that drive profit. Double Decker is known for his superior soundness in feet and legs. The bull moves very well and smooth. He is breeding the same great characteris- tics of his dam by adding true body depth & capacity to his progeny.

Brown Bob 4094 B-Date 2/11/2024


B 21147126 Tattoo 4094


Mogck Bullseye

Hoover No Doubt

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 S A V 8180 Traveler 004

Brown Double Decker 0004


S A V Blackcap May 7888

S A V May 2397 Baldridge Bronc


Baldridge Eldorado E050

Baldridge Pratissa W165 BAR Ranchman 6500

Brown Roxette 1125


Brown Roxette 9230

BAR Roxette 4841

CED BW WW MILK YW $EN BW 205 WT WDA 3 2.2 79 25 135 -28 81 858 3.97 A major sale attraction and one that’s hard to let go of for its owner. Braxton and I have had countless talks about his bull. He told me he is the replacement for his daddy. Brown Bob 4094 got his name after his owner as well. Bob 4094 is a typical representation of the Double Decker progeny who has been very well received all over the world. Cattle are excelling in Australia and the USA. They work on fescue and rival the best in the breed for growth and power. This one will be hard to sell for his owner, but we have confidence he will find a great home. Dam is a productive young daughter of Eldorado E050 and is well on her way to becoming a special female in our program.

Brown Dominion 4053 B-Date 2/5/2024


Lot 40 • Brown Bob 4094

B 21147462 Tattoo 4053

CW 54 MARB 0.45 REA 0.41 FAT 0.064

Mogck Bullseye

Hoover No Doubt

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Mill Coulee Pay Raise ICC Blackbird 0739

Brown Double Decker 0004

S A V Blackcap May 7888

ICC Pay Raise 4886

Brown Primrose 8101

SSAF Tiger 302

BAR Primrose Lady 6087

BAR Primrose Lady 2027

CED BW WW MILK YW $EN BW 205 WT WDA -3 5.8 73 24 122 -17 98 821 3.94 A big performance bull with extra scale and dimension. He stems from a proven cow family and a dam that has been a major producer for us. Dam is a daughter of the Origen and Idland cattle company herd sire ICC Payraise 4886, who had seen a little use here due to limited semen. Dam is a proven pathfinder with a 5@106 for weaning and 5@367 day calving interval.

S A V Blackcap May 7888 • Dam of Double Decker 0004 • Dam of Double Decker 0004

Brown Dominant 4066 B-Date 2/6/2024


B 21146678 Tattoo 4066

CW 50 MARB 0.41 REA 0.34 FAT 0.065

Mogck Bullseye

Hoover No Doubt

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Mill Coulee Pay Raise ICC Blackbird 0739

Brown Double Decker 0004

S A V Blackcap May 7888

ICC Pay Raise 4886

Brown Chloe 8001

BAR Firebrick 286

BAR Chloe 6120

BAR Chloe Prime 8476

CED BW WW MILK YW $EN BW 205 WT WDA 2 1.6 63 21 110 -16 78 749 3.6 Brown Dominant 4066 has herd bull written all over him. He is extremely long bodied, thick and full of muscle. His productive pasture favorite dam has superior udder quality, femininity and fertility that ranks in the top end of the herd. Dam of Dominant 4066 is 5@103 for weaning and has had 5 calves at 369-day calving in- terval. We have retained 3 maternal daughters in our herd and last year’s maternal brother was a sale highlight and sold to Mike Eslinger.

Lot 42 • Brown Dominant 4066

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