Brown's Angus Ranch - 27th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [2/9/25]

Welcome Cattlemen,cattlewomen, and friends! We would like to invite you to our 27th year selling Angus genetics. We appreciate all the friendships and loyal customers we have formed over the past 27 years. Today’s outlook on the cattle business looks as bright and positive as we have ever seen in the history of breeding Angus cattle. Not only are we seeing all-time records being broken across the country, but the demand for great Angus cattle is at an all-time high. We are proud to be your seedstock supplier and don’t take that task lightly. We are utilizing some sires that are different from the mainstream, for the simple fact that we don’t chase the fads, and we don’t follow the leaders. We are putting our customers and their bottom line first. We breed cattle with maternal function first. Cows that get the job done on the range and in the feedlot. We don’t accept cattle that need extra help at calving time or cows that need special requirements. They either work here or they don’t. We don’t trim feet on cows or bulls, and I will stand by that philosophy, until we can’t any longer raise cattle. We want cattle that cause zero issues, it’s complicated to make them perfect for every environment, so we try to keep cattle balanced on paper and on the hoof. The less extremes you chase the better they work for everyone’s environment. Regarding the carcass quality and end-product of Angus cattle. We as Angus breeders have always taken into consideration the high-quality product we place on the table of every American. One of the single greatest accomplishments was Certified Angus Beef (CAB), a standard by which cattle bring a premium on the plate. With that being said, Angus cattle have always been high marbling cattle, so as some breeders or groups chase the marbling higher and higher we start to question the reason for the single trait selections? We will continue to breed top quality Angus cattle that work for you, whether you are a registered breeder or a commercial breeder. We don’t select cattle based on EPDs or data that isn’t proven. We have a strict keen breeding philosophy that is very unique and won’t allow certain bloodlines in our pedigrees. We select genetics that are fertile, deep bodied, easy fleshing and the type that will work in anyone’s environment. We continue to place high standards on udder quality, foot quality, and longevity. This offering consists of a great set of bulls sired by some of the best and proven sires we can offer. We are offering flush brothers, full brothers, and many half-brothers. This is our second calf crop from our calving ease specialist CFI Payout F408, they have excelled at every stage of the game, they are born light and exploded through weaning up to a year. Other major sires represented are Brown Double Decker 0004, Mengs Skymere 380u 61B, VDAR New Trend 36, Ellingson Prolific, Rito 7075, S A V Scale Force 2541, EXAR Declaration 1686B, KLA Cherokee 267 and more. We would be honored and blessed to have you in attendance for our 27th Annual Production sale to appraise this powerful offering of maternal bred bulls with some power and function! Please join us for a wonderful home-made lunch and refreshments afterwards.

Brown’s Angus Ranch

Justin, Kayla, Brooklynn, Parker & Braxton

Paul & Patty

Kelan, Holly, Blakely, Skylie, Ivy & Krew

Shae, Jenny, Watson, Posie & Miles

Justin Brown H: 701-794-8771 | C: 701-207-0054

Paul Brown C: 701-207-0698

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