King's Business - 1945-06




DEVOTIONAL READINGS Love Without Dissimulation “ He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” (1 John 4:20). Our. love to God will be measured, by our everyday intercourse with men and *the love it displays. Humility toward men will be the proof that our humility before God is real. If in the' presence of God, lowliness of heart has become the very spirit of our life, it will manifest it? seIf in all our bearing toward our brethren. The only humility that is really ours is not that which we try to show before God ih prayer, but that which we carry with us in pur ordinary conduct.—Andrew Murray. Your Reasonable Service “ Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1). Be generous in your self-surrender! Be glad and eager to throw yourself unreser? vedly into His loving arms, and to hand over the reins of government to Him. If you are hearing the loving voice of- your Lord calling you out into^ a place of near­ ness to »'Himself, that will require a separa­ tion from all else, and that will make an enthusiasm of devotion not .ohly possible, but necessary, will you shrink, or hesi­ tate?—Hannah Whitall Smith. Our Works to be Judged “ Every man’s work shall be made mani­ fest . . . it shall be revealed by fire . . (1. Cor. 3:13). ; Remember that your work means every­ thing you have done throughout your life. For you, there can be nothing unimportant. There is not a single thing, however trivial it may seem to us, that goes unmarked by Him. He has assured you Himself that not even a cup of cold water given* in His Name shall in any wise lose its reward. —J. RUssell Howden. Faith in Affliction “ He (Christ) said- unto them, where is your faith?” (Lk. 8:25). If God’s promises are' true, why are we afraid of death, as though God could not comfort or deliver us, or would not, contrary to His promises? .Why are we afraid, of the loss of our goods, as though God would leave them that fear Him destitute o f . all good things. . . . I trust you will not much muse at affliction, which you cannot be without as God’s children, except you would leave your Captain, Christ, and follow Satan. —John Bradford. A “Must” for the Christian “ Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” (Psa. 107:2). Witness and testimony are a very' vital part of the life of thè Christian. As Chris­ tians we are responsible for giving a wit­ ness to those whom we contact. This is a fact that many Christians forget. Hay­ ing received the truth, our next concern should be to apply and pass it on to some­ one else.—The Bible Bulletin.

Thousands of the believers in Soviet Russia are passing through economic hardships because of the ruthless present war. Millions of that great nation are in spirit­ ual d a r k n e s s . The Lord has called our Society to administer both material and spiritual needs for these dear people. Your pray­ ers and gifts are urgently needed at this time. Russian Christian Relief Society, Inc. 690 Sth Ave., Rm. 506K, New York City Rev. Peter Pleshko, Gen. Director for NEW LINE of Scripture Greeting Cards, Stationery and Beautiful Wall Plaques. Liberal Commissions— Write IOWA SCRIPTURE PUBLISHERS Pept. KB-6 P.O. Box 743, Des Moines, Iowa Old-Fashioned Revival NATIONWIDE Gospel Broadcast

Jesus Faces the Tempter “ When he had fasted forty days and forty nights . , . the tempter came to him” (Matt. 4:2, 3). No one can go far in life without facing ..the tempter. ‘When that experience comes, the manner of meeting him can be learned from the Saviour. Jesus met him with the Word. Each of the enemy’s three attacks were turned aside with quotations from the Old Testament Scriptures/ The Christian who knows his Bible is fortified for the attacks by the evil one. —Gospel Banner. Treatment for Worry “ Casting all. your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). Worry wastes strength, tends to increase our fears, and makes things look much blacker than they are. An old; Negro woman had the right treatment for worry. When someone asked her how she kept her health to such a good old age, her reply was: “ When I works; I w*orks hard; when I sets, I sets loose; and when I worries, I goes to sleep.” Worry will not make us well; it will do just the opposite.—A. W. Beaven. Faith and Obedience “ So Abram departed, as the Lord had spok­ en unto, him” (Gen. 12:4), That was faith. Obedience proved it. Abram did, not know where he was going; he had simply the call of God and a prom­ ise. He asked no questions. He did not insist on knowing how his journey would come out, how profitable it would be, nor what he would get in exchange for the land he was leaving. Quietly, he rose, cut the ties that bound him to his old home, and was off. That is the kind of faith all of us should have.—Selected. Admonition for All “ Only take heed to thyself” (Deut. 4:9). We have many defects in our manners, and speaking—defects that tempt those who live nearest us to fall into annoyances with us that sometimes deepen into dislike. Now, when any unhappy man or woman wakens up to discover how different life is now from what it once promised to become, let them know that all their past blindness, and precipitancy, may yet be made to work together for good . . . You have your own share of what causes fireside silence. With God’s help patiently submit to what may not now be mended. The sterner the battle, the nobler will the victory be—the lonelier the fight, the more honor to him who flinches not from it.—Alexander Whyte. A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ “ Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). The worth of a soldier in the army of Christ is not measured by the uniform he wears, nor by the arms that he bears, but by his fighting qualities—his bravery, his capacity for suffering, his implicit obedi­ ence and his power of endurance. Such are the marks of Christ's soldier.—Selected.

Regional Networks and In­ dependent Stations. C o n ­ sult radio log of local news­ papers for stations a n d times, Charles E. Fuller, Director P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53

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Tennese Mountain Mission

Undenominational Faith Mission Our work comprises Gospel Meetings, Visi- Homes, Child Evangelism Classes, Founding of Sunday Schools, Bible Memory Program in schools of 20 counties. Awards given children. Final Award, week at Camp. Pray for. this needy field. Correspondence invited. Write. REV. A. J. LEVENGOOD Bex 45, Dayton, Tenn.

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A modern court-room testimony proving Luke 12:11,12 still true. Other literature sent FREE on request. lOe a copy—3 for 25c $1.00 a dozen. CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL 6704 Cedar Ave., Merohantvllle, N. J.

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