King's Business - 1945-06

June, 1945


For the Children G od ' s B e a u t if u l W orld G enesis 1:1-5, 31

Providing Inspiration and Help for Youth Leaders Around the World

MEMORY VERSE: “He hath made everything beautiful in his time” (Eccl. 3:11). AIM: To teach that God is Creator of the heavens and the earth. APPROACH: Have you ever won­ dered what makes day and night, where the trees and grass come from, and how there happen to be so many different birds and animals? The first chapter in God’s Word, the Bible, tells us the answer to these questions. LESSON STORY: Many years ago, long even before the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there were no trees and flowers, no birds and animals, not even any people. In fact, there was no world such as you and I live in today. God needed someone to love and care for, and someone who would love and obey Him. Before He cre­ ated (made) the first man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve), He had to make a lovely world in which they could live. We have such a powerful and wonderful God that He had only to spea'k and the world was made. First, God made the day and the night (Gen. 1:3-5). He said, “Let there be light: and there was light.” After the day and night were sepa­ rated, God made the earth to appear. He then placed upon the land trees, grass, and flowers, put the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens, and created the fish and birds and animals. Each day as God finished His work He looked at it and “saw that it was good” (vs. 4, 25, etc.). After the world was prepared for people, God created man and from the man created a woman. How happy this man and woman must have been in the lovely world which God had given to them for their home. When God had finished creating the world, it was perfect. Man and woman were also perfect, but before long sin spoiled the perfect things that God had made. Those whom God had made to love Him and obey Him finally became so wicked that the Lord Jesus left His home in Heaven to come to earth and die for them. Today, many people tell us that God did not create our beautiful world. If we believe God’s Word, we cannot believe them, for the Bible says, “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Are you not glad that we have such a wonderful and pow­ erful God? He who made the world so perfectly can take care of all the little children and all the grown-ups, too. He will answer our prayers and give us what is best for us.


Torrey M. Johnson, Chairman ►A channel for service fo help establish and maintain YOUTH FOR CHRIST meet­ ings in your community. ►Members of the International full-time staff will assist your local YOUTH FOR CHRIST groups by suggesting speakers, talent, and by providing bulletins, con­ fidential news letters, etc. ►Goals for 1945 are: YOUTH FOR CHRIST in every state in the union. 1,000 Sat­ urday night meetings for youth with attendance of 1,000,000.

Write today for further infor­ mation and free literature to


North Wells St„ Chicago 6

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