King's Business - 1945-06

June, 1945


Points and Problems 1. "And Abram went up out of Egypt" (Gen. 13:1) One asks, “What was Abram doing in Egypt? Why did he go down into the land of the leeks and the onions and the garlic?” The answer apparently lies in the fact that Abram had a lapse of faith. There was a famine in Palestine (12:10). He feared to trust the Lord to. keep him in the land. So he went to Egypt. God did not tell him to go there. He had plainly told him to go to Canaan. But in a moment of weak­ ness God’s servant yielded to the flesh and as a result got himself into trou­ ble. We read of no altar in Egypt. But Abram soon came to himself and returned to the place of blessing. When guilty of wandering from the pathway of God’s will, the only thing for the child of God to do is to return to the place from which he went astray. For Abram, that place was Bethel (v. 3). 2. "And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle" (13:7). For their own sakes the strife was bad enough. But in connection with the statement concerning the strife, there is mention that the Canaanite and the Perizzite were in the land. They were there to behold this strife going on between the only representa­ tives of God in the land. This is one of the saddest elements in the whole story. It is always a damaging tes­ timony when the world is forced to look upon inconsistencies in the lives of professed followers of the Lord. 3. "Lot . . . pitched his tent toward Sodom" (13:12). He turned his life and selected his home in the wrong location. He did not go into Sodom immediately. He lived close enough for business purposes. But it was not long until we see him taking up his residence there. He even “sat in the gate” which means that he became one of the leading men of the city. The steps of Lot’s downfall can be easily traced: (1) he looked, 13:10; (2) he made a wrong choice, 13:11; (3) he pitched his tent toward Sodom, 13:12; (4) he dwelt in Sodom, 14:12; (5) he sat in the gate, 19:1. Alas, how many follow Lot’s trail down­ ward to defeat in their Christian ex­ perience!

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey OPTOMETRIST 711 Park Central Bids. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

YAndike 1928

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