King's Business - 1945-06

June, 1945


Our Readers Speak “ THE KING’S BUSINESS means much to me out here in the Pacific, and has been a help to many others aboard ship. May God continue to bless you in your work for Him.” Lt. Howard F. Moffett, USNR “ Hearty congratulations on the new set­ up of THE KING’S BUSINESS. May the paper be blessed of God and used for His glpry!” Mrs. Robert Vlnlng, Piedmont, W. Va. “ We pasé THE KING’S BUSINESS along to others that they too may garner spiritual food. May the circulation increase many­ fold.’* Dr. Amelia Ziegler, Portland, Ore. “ Every article is well worth reading. I find the Bible study lessons and daily de­ votions very helpful.” Mrs. S. C. Clark, Omaha, Nebr. “ I was very happy over the new KING’S BUSINESS and the fine articles it con­ tained. Especially do I want to speak of the editorial, ‘Consistency.’ I have talked so much about our enemy No. 1; the liquor curse, and cannot understand why we hear or see in print scarcely any protest against the devastating crime and what it is doing to the home front and the armed forces— using necessary manpower .in its production: using precious grain and sugar when people are starving; giving priority over munitions for war. . . S. Pascoe, Pasadena, Calif. “ I particularly like the section devoted to the children and the message presented.” Florence Springer, Kerman, Calif. “ I hope ‘The Bible in the News’ will be a regular feature. I also like ‘Devotional Readings’ shorter.” S. Currie, Los Angeles, Calif. “ I do appreciate the better grade of paper used in my April KING'S BUSINESS but I do not appreciate nor understand the think­ ing of anyone who would hesitate" to rec­ ommend the magazine because of the grade of paper previously used. After all, the message brought by any publication is what counts, or it should be, and the soft pliant paper did make it very convenient for slip­ ping into pocket or purse for reading at odd moments of waiting.” Mrs. Maude Portwood, Tacoma, Wash. “ It was with deep regret that I read the item in the April issue (Biola Family Cir­ cle) about Burt Bascom and myself. The facts were so out-of-date and inaccurate . . . Burt was married in September, 1944. Previous to this time we had spent four months in the State of Chihuahua doing survey work. My wedding took place on December 15, 1944. “ The Lord has been merciful above all that we could want in bringing us here to work among the Aztecs of the State of Vera Cruz. We, with several other couples, are learning this ancient language to publish the Scriptures that these thousands of In­ dians, too, might have the Gospel in their own language . . . This particular dialect is quite distinct from the other dialects of Aztecs in Mexico . . . There are at least 40,000 people speaking this dialect in this region and we are the only ones trying to bring them the Word of Life in their own language.” Our apologies to the Laws and the Bascoms. —* Editors. We invite comments from our readers and welcome suggestions for improvement of the magazine. Our purpose is to make this pub­ lication as helpful as possible to you in your Christian life and ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Law, Mecayapan, Ver. (via China- meca) Mexico.

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