King's Business - 1945-06

June, 1945


Thíra weejc 9 F acts and F aith

Fourth Week L inked B y L ove

Fifth Week A F ather ’ s F aith

Objects: A capital “A,” a pair of scissors, a large piece of cardboard, and a jar of paste. (Make the “A” by using a piece of paper 8%x21 inches. Fold the paper three times, making the size 8Yzx2% inches. Keep the paper thus folded and with the single fold and two edges to the right and covering the double fold, begin % inch from the bottom and cut up to the top, 1% inches from the upper left-hand corner. Five-eighths of an inch below the upper left-hand comer cut to within % of an inch of the right side. From this point, cut downward 2 % inches, then to the left edge. Five- eighths of an inch below this point cut to the right as before, and downward along a line running % of an inch from the right side. Open one fold and you will have the “A.” )

Objects: Two paper links and a pair of scissors. (Make the links by using adding machine tape 6 fe_et long and B inches wide. Glue the ends of one piece together making an endless link. Before gluing the ends of the other piece together, give one end half of a complete twist.)

Objects: A piece of paper folded to represent a bank book, with the words “BANK OF HEAVEN” written on the outside and a strong electric bulb connected to a current of elec­ tricity. (With full strength lemon juice or with 10 drops of sulphuric acid diluted with 25 drops of water, write with a pointed stick on the in­ side pages of the bank book the words, “Seed as the stars” ; “S e e d ... as the sands” ; “A great name and a great nation.” )

Lesson: In Genesis 13:7-9 we read, “And there was strife between the herdmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle . . . And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then Twill go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” This is what happens when some people quarrel and separate. (Cut down the middle of the untwisted link, until you have gone completely around it.) They separate from each other and each forgets all about the other. We will let this other circle repre­ sent Abram and Lot. We will separate them with the scissors and see what happens. (Begin cutting 1 inch from one side. After you have gone around once, you will be in a position to split the remaining % by going around again.) Look! Instead of dropping apart, they are linked together. Lot went down and Abram went up, but they were still linked together by love. (Let the small link fall down to represent Lot and lift the large one to repre­ sent Abram.) There is something else for us to notice—the link representing Abram has increased in length, while Lot’s has not. After separating from Lot, Abram’s possessions increased greatly. Lot thought he would gain by going toward Sodom, but in the end he lost everything. Abram refused to quarrel, allowing Lot to have first choice and God greatly blessed him. The link of love which bound Abram and Lot together was felt later When Lot was carried away captive and had to be rescued by Abram, and again when the city of Sodom was about to be destroyed and Abram prayed.

Lesson: Did you ever hear the ex­ pression, “SEEING IS BELIEVING” ? I want to give you a lesson on “BE­ LIEVING IS SEEING.” I open this booklet marked “BANK OF HEAVEN” and there is apparently nothing on the inside. It reminds me of the people who read the promises of God and then say, “I do not see anything in them for me.” Abraham was a man of faith and he believed the promises of God, although he could not see how or when they were to be fulfilled. We shall let this, strong electric light remind us of Abraham's faith. As it shines into this book, words are appearing! Listen as I read them: “Seed as the stars.” God told Abraham that his “seed)” that is, his children and grandchildren and their children on down through the centuries, would be as the stars, for they could not be numbered. What a wonderful promise that must have been for Abraham when he was without children! Then again, “Seed . . . as the sand.” No one knows how many grains of sand there are by the sea, and no one is able to count the children of Abraham. There are other words appearing and they read, “A great name and a great nation.” Just as we could not see anything on the pages of this book until the bright light shone into it, so Abraham had nothing but his faith in the promises of God to assure him that they would be fulfilled. Abraham believed God and it has come to pass. When God gives us promises, “believing is see­ ing.”

Lesson: What Old Testament per­ son do you think is represented by this "A” that I hold in my hand? “Abraham.” You are right., There is more in this “A” than appears. There are four “A’s.” (Hook over thumb tacks previ­ ously placed in the cardboard.) We will let the first “A” stand for “ABRAHAM,” the second, for “AC­ KNOWLEDGED,” the third for “AL­ TAR,” and the fourth for “AP­ PROVED.” These “A’s” tell us many important things about Abraham. If he had not been a man of faith, he never would have acknowledged the altar and he would not have been ap­ proved by God. We shall cut these “A’s” to show how Abraham had faith. (Cut the bot­ toms apart. Paste each piece on the cardboard when cut out. Cut through the top and middle bars of the first “A” where they join the right upright. Use the upright for the letter “I.” Cut through the center of the midäle bar of the third “A” and through the top bar where it joins the right and left uprights. The left side of this “A” turned over and placed on the right side will make a "T.” The top bar makes the top bar for the “I.” Cut the top bar from the fourth “A” where it joins the uprights and you have the bottom bar for the “I,” leaving the letter “H.”) We now have the word “ F-A-I-T-H.”

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