King's Business - 1945-06

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS July i, 1945 OUR COUNTRY ’ S PLACE IN THE FAM ILY OF NATIONS A cts 17:24-31 By Clyde J. Kennedy There is disagreement on the part of Christians as to the extent to which believers should participate in gov­ ernment, whether local, state, national, or international. True believers ever have been eager to see men of out­ standing integrity in the affairs of gov­ ernment, and have rejoiced when such men have been true Christians. True believers also have been obedient to the command of the Word of God to pray “for kings, and for all that are in authority: that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and ac­ ceptable in the sight of God our Sav­ iour” (I Tim. 2:1-3). For Those Who Have Topics I. WE MUST DISTINGUISH BETWEEN AMERICA’S PART AND THE CHRIS­ TIAN’S PART. In a topic of this nature the Chris­ tian must distinguish between the Christian’s responsibility in the world order, and his country’s responsibility. We must recognize the difference be­ tween what a Christian ought to do, and what America ought to do. Al­ though on the surface they may seem to be, the two are not identical. The Christian’s part in the world order of things is not governmental or political, but missionary and evangelical. The Church of Jesus Christ is not here for the purpose of governing the world or of establishing a new world order. Her purpose under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is to proclaim the good news of the Gospel, that Christ died for our sins. As this witness is given faithfully, those who believe and re­ ceive Christ as their Saviour will be born again and become part of God’s new order as set forth in 2 Cor. 5:17 and Eph. 2:1-3. II. THE BELIEVER’S PART IN THE FAMILY OF NATIONS. The believer must pray for all who are in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-4). That we might live a peaceable life. That men might be saved (Acts 17:27).

THE WRITERS LUBIN W. JANTZEN, ‘40, Th.B., superintendent and (acuity mem­ ber of the Oklahoma Bible Aead- emy> Meno, Okla. ALBERT L. FLORY, pastor of the First Brethren C h u r c h of San Diego, Calif. MRS. NEYA BEHM, ‘43, B.S.M., active in music and education in Merced, Calif. MISS RUTH EHDER, '32, assistant dean of women and member of the faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Calif. CLYDE J. KENNEDY, pastor, radio minister, instructor at Biola. Idea 1. Billy Sunday stated, “You’ve got to sign your own Declaration of Independence be­ fore you can celebrate your Fourth of July victory.” In de­ veloping the topic for July first, make it clear that one must make his own declaration of faith in Christ before he can have personal victory over sin. Idea 2. For the July eighth meeting, “Liquor Runs Amuck,” the society could contact the lo­ cal W. C.. T. U. and make ar­ rangements for some exhibits on Temperance Education to illus­ trate the lesson. Idea 3. The meeting for July twenty-second would be a good one to have the Social Chairman lead. The topic, “Let’s Have Fun!” naturally belongs to the social department. The real and lasting joy in being a Christian and being busy for the Lord should be definitely declared and discussed. You might fol­ low up with a well-planned, after-church fellowship. Idea 4. “Hymns of the King­ dom,” the topic for July twenty- ninth, should inspire a worth­ while service. If there is a hymn writer living in your vi­ cinity, i n v i t e him as guest speaker. Any student of church music, composer or not, should be able to make a valuable con­ tribution to your discussion. IT’S AN IDEA By Carlton C. Buck

The believer must witness for Christ (Acts 1:8). The salvation of the individual is the b e s t contribution which the Christian can make to good home and foreign government. Matt. 5:13; Gen. 18:32. (God would have saved even Sodom if ten righteous persons could have been found.) III. AMERICA’S PART IN THE FAM­ ILY OF NATIONS. America must be true to her historic convictions. America was founded by the Pil­ grim fathers whose first doctrine of government was drawn up in the forecastle of the Mayflower before they ever set foot on Plymouth Rock. The first six words of that Mayflower pact read: “In the Name of God, Amen.” “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). America should set her own house in order. “Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is & reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34). One of the first sermons ever preached in America was given by Thomas Bulkley to that small group of Pilgrims who were the spiritual founders of our nation. In that ser­ mon he said: “Of all the nations in the world, we are the smallest in num­ ber, the poorest in wealth, and the weakest in power. We cannot hope to excel them in these things. Let us excel them then in holiness.” Would that sermon could be a reality today! America should set the example in the Council of Nations by recognizing God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The faithful witness of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego demonstrates how much a true wit­ ness can accomplish in the life of an alien nation. Daniel 3:28. IV. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST IS MISSIONARY AND NOT GOVERN­ MENTAL. The purpose of the Church is mis­ sionary ,and not political as before mentioned. This is not to imply that it is wrong for a Christian to hold office in government; it merely means that the main purpose of all believers is to witness to the fin­ ished work of Christ.

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