All Joshua Custom Resource Guide

An Experienced Hand Consultant brings program expertise

One of All Joshua's most valuable assets as a new addiction-treatment program is Fred Andres, a program consultant who has several decades of experience working with state, county and local agencies, and community-based providers to deliver innovative programs. As a consultant to the All Joshua program, Andes provides assistance in program development (the intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program), contracting with state and federal agencies (providing substance abuse treatment to clients referred by the criminal justice system), and preparing proposals for federal, state, and private foundation grants. Andes has known All Joshua Founder Mike Robinson for more than a decade. ey rst worked together when Andes was preparing grant proposals for hospitals and faith-based, addiction treatment programs. Andes' work as a consultant includes work for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), helping the federal agency evaluate grant applications. During his four decades working in the addiction treatment eld, Andes has seen a few trends, including the growing opiate addiction epidemic and the war on drugs-related growth in the prison population. He notes that incarceration costs around $40,000 a year per inmate, including addicted men and women who would be better (and more cost e‡ectively) served with treatment instead of jail. “We are trying to reach out to addicted individuals in the community who are not being served,” Andes says. “Many opiate addicts don't want to go to methadone maintenance clinics in undesirable locations. ey would rather go to a clinic like All Joshua's, or a physician's o‹ce. We also need more physicians who are willing and certied to prescribe suboxone and other types of medication-assisted treatment.” Menu of services “Medication by itself is not the whole solution; we also need to address the other issues related to addiction– mental illness, low self-esteem, dysfunctional family situations, unemployment...Also, providing primary care is important because many addiction treatment clients have medical problems. So, case management to address all those needs is important,” says Andes, noting that All Joshua is developing a GED program for clients who need to complete their education. It's important to be able to o‡er a full menu of client services at one location, Andes points out. “When we are referring clients to a number of di‡erent locations for services, they tend not to follow through with treatment. With all services in

”Medication by itself is not the solution; we also need to address the other, related issues.” – Fred Andes, Program Consultant, All Joshua

Doctor Fred Andes


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