The Source, Annual Review 2020

COASTS & DELTAS 2030 GLOBAL GOAL Our goal is to safeguard and restore coastal wetland

Coasts & Deltas Healthy wetlands

Coasts & Deltas

After nearly 5 years of implementation, our Building with Nature Indonesia programme in Demak won the prestigious Flood and Coast award by the UK Environment Agency in the categories “international excellence” and “coastal management”. This offers a strong encouragement to further expand this work across the continent. We launched a partnership with Boskalis, a global leader in dredging and maritime services, to enhance coastal wetland habitats that provide some of the greatest carbon stores Blue Carbon. Further, we also aim to enhance the sustainability performance of the sector at large by exploring opportunities for impact mitigation in coastal engineering projects and promoting widespread adoption of Building with Nature solutions. With partners in the Ecoshape consortium, we completed a new book that presents Building with Nature concepts and solutions (see also page 37). Summarising dozens of applications in different settings, the book is one of the best global resources for those interested in applying Nature-based Solutions in both coastal and freshwater environments. Eleven universities in Indonesia incorporated our Building with Nature training modules in their curricula. As a result, about 2,500 students will be trained each year which will help create a new generation of engineers skilled in designing Building with Nature solutions. 750 people from many countries and disciplines were trained in two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) on Building with Nature in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology.

ecosystems as essential features of resilient and productive coastal landscapes. We will achieve our goal by tailoring our work to the different contexts we typically encounter in our target areas, ranging from heavily degraded or modified coastal areas to intact wetland landscapes.

Resilient wetland communities

In 2020, together with Aberystwyth Univer- sity, soloEO and The Nature Conservancy, we launched a beta version of the Global Man- grove Watch platform. This online platform makes available real time geospatial data on trends in mangrove status, distributions and their values and threats. By providing this information in an easy-to-use format, we help practitioners and policy makers to plan, priori- tise and monitor their mangrove conservation and restoration projects and support integra- tion in climate, development and conservation policies (see also page 38). We started a partnership with Dutch energy provider Greenchoice to accelerate and sup- port climate change mitigation by protecting and restoring wetlands that yield climate, biodiversity and community benefits. As a first step, we initiated a 2500 ha restoration project in Guinea-Bissau that will restore man- groves on abandoned rice fields. In Indonesia, participation in the international waterbird census has grown substantially, with no less than 500 people from government, NGOs and bird clubs joining the annual count, covering 120 sites. As the monitoring has advanced, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry adopted the International Waterbird Census as the monitoring modality for protect- ed areas, as a part of the National Partnership for Conservation of Migratory Birds and Their Habitat.

We formalised partnership agreements with public authorities in Argentina to support the development of a land-use management plan of the Victoria Islands Multiple Use Reserve, a large sector of the Paraná Delta (376,000 ha). We are supporting the recently created Planning Committee to implement better production practices. Adapting activities such as island cattle raising, tourism and real estate development, so that they safeguard wetland functions will help restore vital fishing and beekeeping, and provide habitat for the marsh deer, capybara, and emblematic migratory birds.

By 2030, we aim to integrate wetlands into 8 million hectares of coastal production systems.

Coasts & Deltas

Reduced climate risks

Substantial momentum was created for Building with Nature uptake across Asia through global stakeholder meetings and consultations in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Government partners indicated their interest in Building with Nature solutions and committed to collaborate on developing a large programme that would leverage around €2 billion in relevant investments by 2030.

By 2030, we aim to mainstream Building with Nature and promote Blue Carbon solutions, influencing €10 billion of investments in coastal infrastructure solutions.

By 2030, we aim to safeguard 2 million hectares of high value coastal wetlands, including those sites which make up vital wildlife migration corridors.



Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

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