The Source, Annual Review 2020

STORY HIGHLIGHTS Building with Nature Indonesia won the Flood and Coastal Excellence Award from the British Environment Agency. At the coastal field school, 400 local farmers learned to replace chemical pesticides and fertilisers with homemade organic alternatives in their ponds, improving water quality and yields.


Villages now have 420 ha of improved shrimp ponds with tripled

yields and doubled profits. The Indonesian Ministry of

By Fred Pearce

Maritime Affairs replicated 25 km of permeable barriers in 13 coastal districts. The Building with Nature methods and ideas are set for replication across the Indonesian archipelago and more widely through Asia.

Wetlands are very local. No two are the same. But when solutions to problems work in one place, scaling up the lessons for elsewhere can still be vital. And nowhere is that proving more true than in Wetlands International’s Building with Nature project in Indonesia. The five year multi-disciplinary initiative, with Dutch engineering and Indonesian government partners, aims to save the rapidly eroding coastline of northern Java, using innovative methods to encourage the natural regeneration of lost mangroves. The project formally ended in 2020, but its methods and ideas are set for replication across the Indonesian archipelago and more widely through Asia.

Building with Nature Indonesia aimed to save the rapidly eroding coastline of northern Java, Indonesia.



Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

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