Educational Articles

get you high and a dose that can kill you is so small that it’s no wonder the CDC reported that “fentanyl accounted for nearly 73% of all opioid-involved deaths in 2019” (Center for Disease Control). Even a minimal amount of the substance can be extremely dangerous to an individual, as it only takes 3-milligrams of fentanyl to kill an average-sized adult male, compared to 30 milligrams of heroin. Pairing fentanyl with alcohol, or other depressant drugs, is a deadly combination because togeth- er, these substances can have a multiplying effect, ultimately slowing or even stopping your breathing, and then your heart. These risks of overdose are greatly increased when fentanyl is produced illegally. Derivative, or “street” forms of fentanyl are not tested, or regulated for safety and are extremely danger- ous. “Drug experts note that if used incorrectly, even prescribed doses of this product can be extremely dangerous and ad- dictive.”

Fentanyl Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic drug that is similar to morphine, but is 50 to 100 times more potent. It works by changing how your body feels and responds to pain. Originally, Fentanyl was used as an anesthetic since doc- tor’s found the drug highly effective in small doses. Today, pharmaceutical Fentanyl is com- monly used in patch form by people who suffer chronic pain, although drug experts note that if used incorrectly, even prescribed doses of this product can be extremely dangerous and addictive. Highly-Addictive Pharmaceuticals Hit the Streets with Deadly Results Alarmingly, pharmaceutical opioids are re- sponsible for more fatal overdoses than heroin. Because fentanyl is so much stronger than heroin, the difference between a dose that can

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