In addition, taking the best way to end addiction from MOlly, Ecstacy, and MDMA is to seek behavioral ther- apy. Scientists are still researching other methods of rehabilitation for MDMA addiction. “At first, addiction is maintained by pleasure, but the intensity of the pleasure gradually diminishes, and the addiction is then maintained by the avoidance of pain,” explains Frank Tallis.
closeness. MDMA can create a false sense of safety and trust between people and within themselves. How- ever, inside MDMA causes nausea, muscle cramps, teeth clenching, blurred vision, chills, and sweating. Ecstasy will stay in the body for 3-6 hours. However, the aftermath of the following week can include irritability, impulsiveness, depression, anxiety, memory, and attention problems. In addition, taking high doses of MDMA can cause affect the body’s rate at which it regulates tempera- ture. This higher temperature rate can lead to liver, kidney, heart fail- ure, or even death. In addition, the increased trust and closeness caused by ecstasy can lead to un- safe sexual behaviors that can end up in the transmission of HIV, AIDS, or hepatitis. While research surrounding MDMA recovery is limited. “At first, addiction is maintained by plea- sure, but the intensity of the pleasure gradu- ally diminishes, and the addiction is then main- tained by the avoid- ance of pain.”
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