Biola Broadcaster - 1954-05

VOL. 2, No. S

MAY, 1954


After on missi~OJ)' tour of New Guin China, and Africa, Dr. Loi,is T. Tolbot, Choncellw o Institute of Los Angeles, returns to Southem Co rnia, where after a much-needed rest and moftf clop of prodiiCf'on of films, he will begin a series of meetings on the lost of t is month at the BIOLA Rally, Sunday afternoons In the Ch of the Open Door. many BIOLA alumni, photographing their work for the LOfcl llround the world. Many scenes, especially of the various Mau Mau uprisings and the New Guinea head-hunters, have ne-ver been seen on the screen. See these inspiring films and hear Dr. Talbot when he comes to your area. Listen for the announcement of these meetings over the Bible Institute Hour. he Bible Following this, in the early Spmmer! Dr. Toi the Western states, showing tfi~ cnollen In senting the spiritual needs of the mission f s today. During his travels, Dr. TalbQf m


May, 1954

Dear Friends:

Along with this special edition of the BIOLA BROADCASTER, we are sending you a personal letter which we trust you will carefully and prayerfully consider. Then as the Lord enables you, won't you use the enclosed envelope to send in your generous sacrifice of love for the Lord 1 s work in 11 tra1ning young people today to become your missionaries of tomorrow. 11 OUr hearts are thrilled to hear of the vari ous plans which are being by the young men and women of our 1954 BIOLA Graduat– i ng Class, and we trust that you will be faithful i n praying for them day .by day, as together, we all are ·round faithful in His matchless service, "looking for that blessed hope and the glor– ious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Our sincere appreciation to Y?U for your stewardship, and remem– ber, 11 No gift is too small, when God is in it!ir

Praise ••• for the safe return home of Dr. Talbot and the members of his missionary expedition. Prayer •• • for members of t he 1954 Graduating Class, that they may have the Lord 1 s divine guidance and wisdom in their next steps for His matchless service. Also pray for their parents and loved ones who will be coming to Commenceme-nt Exercises, that they may receive the challenge of the Word of God. Many of these special guests do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Praise ••• for decisions for Christ made through the recent broadcasts of the Bible Institute Hour. Also for the many requests which have been answered through intercessory prayer. Prayer ••• for the special financial needs of the school and its various departments during the long sum'mer months when many forget their regular stewardship. Praise • •• fer many young people planning to attend Summer School, June 14th and for those who expect to enroll in the Fall semester. Prauer ••• for requests of listeners. They fall into categories with needs of a physical, spiritual, and financial nature. Also many are the homes which are threatening to break apart because of sin ond selfishness. Pray for these folk in particular. Praise ••• for the way in which doors have opened for work t his summer by our staff and student groups to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

The cause of juvenile delinquency? Everything these days is being run by switches except the children.

Ye call Me Master and obey Me not; Ye call Me Light and see Me not; Ye call Me Way and walk Me not; Ye call Me Life and desire Me not; Ye call Me Wise and follow me not; Ye call Me Fair and love Me not; Ye call Me Rich and ask Me not; Ye call Me Eternal and seek Me not; Ye call Me Gracious and trust me not; Ye call Me Noble and serue Me not; Ye c'lll Me Mighty and honor Me not; Ye call Me Just and fear Me not; If I condemn you blame Me not!

- Inscribed on an ancient European Church

An apple a day may keep the doctor away . . . BUT A PSALM A DAY WILL KEEP WORRY AWAY.

In Ephesians 6: 12, we are told that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world." Let's look again at the word wRESTle for even amid our trials and testings in every day life, we may "REST" in the victory which our Lord Jesus Christ wrought for us. For as at the very center of the hurricane there is to be felt a sublime quietness, even so in the heart of the one wrestling against spiritual powers, there is "rest" in Him. New Stations Carry Broadcasts BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR The familiar music, "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations," is now heard in three additional cities here in the West, making o total of 48 stations carrying the message of hope and eternal life over the "Bible Institute Hour." In California, Bishoi> friends may hear the broadcasts over Kl BS, 1230 on the dial. While in Pocatello, Idaho, listeners to KJ RL tune in the programs by dialing their radios to 1240. For the first time in the many years of radio presenta– tions, the words: "Throughout the West" now ring out by way of station KAIM to the residents of Honolulu, Hawaii, out in the Pacific Ocean. Pray that many in these areas may be touched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through these additional air-wave testimonies. ACCENT ON YOUTH PROGRAM The student-alumni radio program, "Accent on Youth," may be heard through the facilities of twelve radio stations, both here at home and around the world. It is hoped that before the end of the year, twice this amount may carry the Christ-centered productions on a sustaining basis. A listing of these stations will be sent upon request. ._: a. WRITE FOR THIS FREE LITERATURE If you have not as yet obtained the material which is listed below, or if you would like additional copies of any of it, write today. They will be sent free and post paid just as long as the supply lasts. (1) Panel Discussion folders for February, Morch, April and Moy (2) The devotional booklet: "A Woy of Knowing" (3) Nuggets of Gold

(4) 1954 BIOLA Missionary-Prayer Calendar (5) April booklet: "Christ Lives" by Dr. Talbot

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SPIRITUAL PREPARATION BIOLA has been the preparation grounds for those who have desired to be blessed of the Lord as Spirit– filled individuals. I praise God for the emphasis placed on the study of the Word, communion in prayer and the showing forth of the fruits of the Spirit in our daily living. MAURICE PooLE, Hollydale, California (College course, Chr. Ed. major)

HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARDS This "specialists age", permeated with chaos, demands experienced stu– dents trained as pace-setters who know and can dynamically present the answers. I appreciate and com– mend BIOLA for gearing God's un– changing promises, in a dignified method, to modern day approaches. DAVID vVooo, Van Nuys, California (College course, Bible major)


The Bible tells us to be doers as well as hearers of the Word. Sunday School classes, Gospel teams, visita– tion, DVBS, Practical Missionary Training, student leadership and teaching in Christian Day School have .all mqde my BIOLA training a practzcal, vztal part of every day life. Jo ANNA SMITH, Denver, Colorado (College course, Chr. Ed. major)

MISSIONARY EMPHASIS The Student Missionary Union, prayer bands, Missionary Conference and classroom lectures have been a real blessing to me and used of the Lord in sending me to the mission field . RALPH PouLSoN, Phoenix Arizona (College course, Bible major) FELLOWSHIP

The Christian love and fellowship one eniors at BIOLA is a great in– spiration and blessing. BIOLA's warm atmosphere reminds me of John 13:- 35, "By this shall all men know that re are my disciples, if re have love one to another." BETTY SCHREDER, Salem, Oregon (Elementary Teaching course )

CHRIST-DEDICATED FACULTY Mr heart has reioiced these past years to have the privilege of being instructed by such a fine Christ-dedi– cated faculty. As president of the Senior Class, I am sure I express the sentiment of our entire number. ROYAL BLUE, Canoga Park, California (Bible College, Bible major)

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