May, 1954
Dear Friends:
Along with this special edition of the BIOLA BROADCASTER, we are sending you a personal letter which we trust you will carefully and prayerfully consider. Then as the Lord enables you, won't you use the enclosed envelope to send in your generous sacrifice of love for the Lord 1 s work in 11 tra1ning young people today to become your missionaries of tomorrow. 11 OUr hearts are thrilled to hear of the vari ous plans which are being by the young men and women of our 1954 BIOLA Graduat– i ng Class, and we trust that you will be faithful i n praying for them day .by day, as together, we all are ·round faithful in His matchless service, "looking for that blessed hope and the glor– ious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Our sincere appreciation to Y?U for your stewardship, and remem– ber, 11 No gift is too small, when God is in it!ir
Praise ••• for the safe return home of Dr. Talbot and the members of his missionary expedition. Prayer •• • for members of t he 1954 Graduating Class, that they may have the Lord 1 s divine guidance and wisdom in their next steps for His matchless service. Also pray for their parents and loved ones who will be coming to Commenceme-nt Exercises, that they may receive the challenge of the Word of God. Many of these special guests do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Praise ••• for decisions for Christ made through the recent broadcasts of the Bible Institute Hour. Also for the many requests which have been answered through intercessory prayer. Prayer ••• for the special financial needs of the school and its various departments during the long sum'mer months when many forget their regular stewardship. Praise • •• fer many young people planning to attend Summer School, June 14th and for those who expect to enroll in the Fall semester. Prauer ••• for requests of listeners. They fall into categories with needs of a physical, spiritual, and financial nature. Also many are the homes which are threatening to break apart because of sin ond selfishness. Pray for these folk in particular. Praise ••• for the way in which doors have opened for work t his summer by our staff and student groups to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
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