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SPIRITUAL PREPARATION BIOLA has been the preparation grounds for those who have desired to be blessed of the Lord as Spirit– filled individuals. I praise God for the emphasis placed on the study of the Word, communion in prayer and the showing forth of the fruits of the Spirit in our daily living. MAURICE PooLE, Hollydale, California (College course, Chr. Ed. major)
HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARDS This "specialists age", permeated with chaos, demands experienced stu– dents trained as pace-setters who know and can dynamically present the answers. I appreciate and com– mend BIOLA for gearing God's un– changing promises, in a dignified method, to modern day approaches. DAVID vVooo, Van Nuys, California (College course, Bible major)
The Bible tells us to be doers as well as hearers of the Word. Sunday School classes, Gospel teams, visita– tion, DVBS, Practical Missionary Training, student leadership and teaching in Christian Day School have .all mqde my BIOLA training a practzcal, vztal part of every day life. Jo ANNA SMITH, Denver, Colorado (College course, Chr. Ed. major)
MISSIONARY EMPHASIS The Student Missionary Union, prayer bands, Missionary Conference and classroom lectures have been a real blessing to me and used of the Lord in sending me to the mission field . RALPH PouLSoN, Phoenix Arizona (College course, Bible major) FELLOWSHIP
The Christian love and fellowship one eniors at BIOLA is a great in– spiration and blessing. BIOLA's warm atmosphere reminds me of John 13:- 35, "By this shall all men know that re are my disciples, if re have love one to another." BETTY SCHREDER, Salem, Oregon (Elementary Teaching course )
CHRIST-DEDICATED FACULTY Mr heart has reioiced these past years to have the privilege of being instructed by such a fine Christ-dedi– cated faculty. As president of the Senior Class, I am sure I express the sentiment of our entire number. ROYAL BLUE, Canoga Park, California (Bible College, Bible major)
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