All prices are recommended retail and include VAT at the current rate. The prices and specifications shown within this catalogue are for information purposes only and as we continually update our products, they may be subject to change without prior notice. E&OE. The images/photographs included are for guidance purposes only and are limited to the constraints of the printing process. All measurements are in millimeters, unless otherwise stated. This edition supersedes all/any previous editions. Though all of our products carry a guarantee, as stated, which covers against manufacturing defects when used in normal domestic applications (excluding serviceable parts, accidental damage neglect or abuse), please ensure that your product is fitted/installed by a qualified installer and according to the manufacture’s instructions. Certain movable parts may be subject to wear and tear through usage and are therefore covered for 12 months from installation – unless otherwise stated. The guarantees stated will never cover any consequential loss. Full terms and conditions are available upon request.
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