Policy No.: 4040 Board Approved: May 27, 1997 Revised: December 18, 2018
Code of Student Conduct
All HCC students in every academic program fall under this code of conduct. Some academic programs may have supplemental behavioral codes with additional requirements. Students’ Honor Pledge: I promise to uphold the Hagerstown Community College Code of Student Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook. As a member of the College community, I hold the qualities of honesty and integrity in the highest regard and will neither violate them nor tolerate those who do. 1. Basic Principles Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic conditions in the classroom, on the campus, at other College sites, and in the community. The student rights of free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the learning experience and to participation in an academic community. As members of the larger community of which the College is a part, students are entitled to all rights and protection accorded them by the laws of the community. Students are expected to exercise their freedom with responsibility. The College has established rules relating to academic integrity and behavior that students must follow so the teaching/learning process is not disrupted. Students are expected to produce work that is the pGrroa dd ue sc taonfdt hdeeigrroe we snml euasrtnrienpgraens ednatchaodne me sitcwe fofrokr taannddawc ciol lms ipglni sah mp leendtgse. It o t h a t e f f e c t . f a student chooses not to abide by these rules and expectations, s/he may lose the privilege of attendingHagerstown Community College. Bi my pt hl eemseanmt ee dt obkyelna,ws teundfeonr tcse ma reenatl soof f si cuebrjse. cWt thoeanl ls ltauwd es notfst vhieo cl aotme mC oul lneigt ye , rwe ghui cl ha t ai or ne s , t h e y alarwe .subject to disciplinary action by the College whether or not their conduct violates the 2. Student Bill of Rights A. All rights and privileges guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution of theUnited States and by the State of Maryland apply to all students. B. Students have a right to pursue appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom,on the campus, and in the community that are provided by the College. They should expect faculty to evaluate their performance objectively based on academic criteria, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards unless that conduct violates College regulations or the Code of Conduct. C. Students have the right to learn in an environment in which academic integrity isvalued and practiced. D. Students have the right to freedom of expression, inquiry, and assembly withoutrestraint or censorship subject to reasonable and non-discriminatory College rules andregulations
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