Board of Trustees Manual

F. Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student violateany provision relating to academic integrity. Behavioral violations on College premises or at College-sponsored or College-supervised functions include but are not limited to the following types of conduct: A. Failure to comply with directions of College staff acting in performance of their duties. Showing disrespect toward any faculty or staff member, through actions, comments, obscene or excessively loud language. B. Theft, misuse, or damage to College property (including equipment, the computer network, phones, mail, and transportation), property of a member of the College community or a campus visitor. C. Unauthorized entry onto the property of the College or into faculty/staff offices or facilities which have been placed off limits; unauthorized presence in a College facility after closing hours. D. Unauthorized use of skateboards, roller blades, and scooters. E. Illegal possession, use, sale or distribution of alcohol, any controlled substance, street drugs, or drug paraphernalia. The use of drugs or of alcoholic beverages shall not in any way limit the responsibility of the individual for the consequences of his/her actions. F. Disorderly, lewd or indecent behavior; or distribution of obscene or libelouswritten material. G. Mental or physical abuse, including verbal or physical actions which threatenor harm individuals or which promote hatred or prejudice. H. Any act, comment, or behavior which is of a sexually suggestive or harassing nature and which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment and interferes with another student’s or employee’s rights or performance. I. Et hnagtacgrienagt ei ns ha no si tmi l em, ihnaernats soirnpg e, irnc teiimv ei dd artiisnkg oofrvbi oullel ynicneg ocro dn admu catgoer t bo ephraovpi eo rr t y oa rs tt uh da te ni st loi kr egl ryotuopc aouf ss et uedme nottsi oeni at hl ehra irnm- pbeyr smo on c, ko innl gi n, er i, doirc bu ol i tnhg. o r d i s p a r a g i n g J. Disruption of teaching, research, administration, or disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities, including public service functions, and otherauthorized activities. K. Children under the age of 12 who are not registered credit or noncredit students, who are not participating in an authorized college activity, or who are notattending a scheduled event shall not be left unattended anywhere on the college campus. L. Only properly registered students should attend scheduled classes. However, individuals including students’ children, relatives or friends may accompany them to a class session with the instructor’s permission as long as there is no potential

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