Board of Trustees Manual

Section 4 Amendments ratified by the Officers must be sent to the President of the College to be reviewed and considered by the Board of Trustees. Passed amendments which have been approved by the Board shall be entered into the text of this document and take effect the next academic year. No amendment shall affect the validity of the entire document aside from the specific Article or Section amended. Article XI: Ratification of Constitution This Constitution was voted and approved by the Student Government Association on May 24, 1999. It shall become effective immediately upon the approval of the President of the College and the Board of Trustees of Hagerstown Community College. This renders all previous Constitutions and Amendments null and void. By-Laws of the Student Government Association of Hagerstown Community College Article I: Members Duties and Responsibilities Section 1: Duties of SGA President The President of the Student Government Association shall: a) Call regularly scheduled SGA meetings. b) Preside at all regular and special meetings of the Association and its Executive Committee. c) Conduct the Student Government Association on the premises of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. d) Have the power to call special meetings when necessary. e) Have the power to appoint members to standing committees and create special committees and appoint members thereof. f) Be prepared to present status reports of the Student Government Association to the Boardof Trustees and other campus groups. g) Delegate to the Vice President of the Student Government Association and work with and consult the Student Activities Coordinator and the Vice President frequently. h) See that the duties of Student Government Association and its members are performed as described in the SGA Constitution and By-Laws. i) Be a member of major boards and committees. j) Represent students at all important college functions. k) Have a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the Student Government Constitution. l) Organize, delegate, and supervise without interfering. The President is always impartial.

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