Board of Trustees Manual

Chair. The President of the SGA will appoint two non-campaigning SGA Officers to this committee. The Committee will work closely with the Student Activities Coordinator. Changes to the Committee guidelines must be approved by a majority vote of the Officer Committee. Section 2: Meetings The Nominations and Elections Committee will meet during the spring semester. Section 3: Election Procedures Each academic year, the SGA shall develop with the Student Activities Coordinator and Dean of Students a set of precise written election procedures to follow. Article VI: Adoption of By-Laws Section 1 These By-Laws were approved and adopted by the Student Government Association on May 25, 1999. They shall become effective immediately. This renders all previous By-laws and Amendments null and void Appendix A: Student Organization Levels of Engagement and Definitions ( from Student Organization Policy ) Levels of Engagement: To represent these values, the college has organized Student Organizations into the following levels of engagement: A. Registered Student Group (RSG) – This is a group of two or more Active Students at HCC which is registered in the Dean of Students’ Office, and is not affiliated with or sponsored by the college. No college funding is granted in the form of a group budget, butuse of college space is permitted for group activity, in accordance with this policy, the Student Code of Conduct, and other related student policies and administrative procedures. RSGsmay petition the Dean of Students Office for funding to support special projects and activities, such as printed handouts or refreshments for student gatherings or presentations. B. Registered Student Funded Organization (RSFO) – This is an organization of five or more Active Students at HCC which is recognized and registered in the Dean of Students Office as an active Student Organization. Use of college space for organization activities is granted and, once approved as an RSFO, the organization will receive, at the beginning of each fall and spring semester, funds for that semester, to conduct its activities, based on the criteria listed in the Student Organization Administrative Procedures. The RSFO must havea Faculty/Exempt Staff Advisor and be in compliance with all administrative procedures. RSFOs are permitted to raise additional funds into a college-issued account, with prior approval for the designated fundraising activity by the Faculty/Exempt Staff Advisor and the Office of the Dean of Students.

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