Board of Trustees Manual

frequency of communications about their activities and events. c. There must be evidence of research, planning, and detailed budgeting for all the activities for which funding is being requested. d. For events or activities where attendance will affect the amount of money being requested, the Student Organization must show the number of attendees at any similar past event and the number of proposed attendees for the planned event. e. Student Organization funding will not be allocated for equipment, supplies, or programs whose primary function is for classroom or instructional use. f. Advisors, coaches, or full-time employees of the college will not be paid from Student Organization funding or contracted services rendered to Student Organizations. A Student Organization may use fundraising income for this purpose. g. Student Organization funding may not be used to purchase self-promotional items (t-shirts, mugs, pens, etc.). Only fundraising income may be used for this purpose. h. All requests must be submitted to the Dean of Students no later than three weeks after the start of the fall semester for activities during the fall semester and the period of time prior to the start of the subsequent spring semester, and no later than three weeks after the start of the spring semester for activities during the spring semester and the period of time prior to the start of the subsequent fall semester. 2. Any Student Organization or student aggrieved by any decision under this Policy shall have a right to appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services if they have not able to resolve the matter up through the level of theDean of Students. E. Registered Student Groups (RSG) and Registered Student Funded Organizations (RSFO) Benefits 1. The benefits for Registered Student Groups include:

a. permission to post fliers on bulletin boards; b. free promotional space on the college website; c. reserving rooms on campus for meetings free of charge;

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