Board of Trustees Manual

Bias incidents involve verbal, written, or physical behaviors which are not criminal offenses, but target a person because of their actual or perceived identity or group membership(s) and may be in violation of a College policy. This includes inflicting mental or emotional distress upon a person through a course of conduct involving abuse or disparagement of that person's actual or perceived identity or group membership(s). While all hate crimes are bias incidents, not all bias incidents are hate crimes. Information about the frequency of reported hate crimes and bias incidents are available via the Hagerstown Community College Campus Police. Due to privacy laws, Hagerstown Community College is not able to provide the name and specific sanction(s) related to incidents where an individual is found responsible for violating College Policy.

Note: The revision of this policy in 2018 also included the name to be changed from Discrimination and Harassment to the current title.

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