Board of Trustees Manual

Policy No.: 5035 Board Approved: April 18, 2006 Revised:

Conflict of Interest Policy General Provision:

It is the expectation that employees avoid conflicts of interest, or appearances of conflict, between their own personal or professional interests and the interests of the College. Conflicts: A conflict of interest may occur if an employee: (1) has an existing or potential interest, financial or non-financial, which may impair or which may appear to impair the individual’s independent judgment when performing College responsibilities. (2) receives or may receive a material, financial, or other benefit from knowledge of confidential or proprietary College information. A conflict may occur if either of these situations exists involving a member of the immediate family or household of an employee, or an organization with which the employee or family member has significant management, ownership, or material association. The above-noted conflict of interest provisions are not intended to be a complete list of prohibited conduct or activity by employees. Employees should be continually aware of any situations which may create actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Reporting Requirements: If an employee believes that he or she is involved in a matter or is engaged in an activity in which a conflict of interest may exist, the individual must promptly and fully disclose the conflict to the President, Vice President, or Dean of their area, refrain from further participation in the matter until the question is resolved, and follow any directions given by the College concerning the matter. Consequences: Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment.

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