Board of Trustees Manual

Policy No.: 8080 Board Approved: September 20, 2005 Reviewed: February 15, 2022

Volunteer Corps

The College shall recruit, maintain, develop, and recognize / reward a diverse corps of volunteers whose purpose would be to promote and serve the College and its students. The program is not to supplant, but rather supplement, the College’s work force in a variety of capacities, such as helping faculty and staff provide student assistance in a variety of areas, working to maintain campus facilities, grounds, and gardens, assisting the HCC Foundation to raise funds, as well as working in special service centers on campus such as the library, and the ARCC (Athletic and Recreation Community Center). Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and willing to serve the College without financial compensation. Persons less than 18 years of age may be approved as a “junior volunteer” with specific written authorization by the President and/or his/her designee; or through the approval of the College for Kids Coordinator in a limited capacity and restricted to volunteer support for the College for Kids program. In such cases, the junior volunteer must have parental permission and participate under the guidance of a senior volunteer. A member of the volunteer corps may work on a regular weekly or monthly basis or may choose to provide assistance for specific projects or events. At the recommendation of the President, volunteers are officially appointed by the Board of Trustees, annually, either as a new volunteer or continuing in an established capacity.

Policy was also revised on October 18, 2005.

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