
do ^ the art of gardening

Top: You can grow beautiful vegetables no matter what the Midwest weather throws at you!

Bottom: The experts at Colonial Gardens teach all levels of classes - for beginners to experts, we can help you plan your perfect garden!!

Spring into Planning Your Vegetable Garden Words ABBY BYRD & KERI LAUDERDALE OLSEN Photos SAVINA VALLACQUA

T he gray days of winter are dissipating with every streak of pink and red in the early morning sky. The world is starting to bloom again with bursts of color peeking through the newly green grass. With the warm spring air comes visions of summer and the thoughts of enjoying fresh vegetables picked from your own backyard. Now is the time to start thinking about what, when and where you are going to plant. Here are some of the top questions people ask when they are planning their vegetable gardens.


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