King's Business - 1948-05



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TORREY M. JO H N SO N , B.D., D.D., D.Hum., FRGS. President, Youth for Christ International


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International YFC Congress on World Evangelization B E A T E N B E R G ^ S W I T Z E R L A N D r f c c ÿ u à t Î O - 2 2

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W I N O N A L A K E 4th Annual Youth -for Christ Convention Ç uù f t t - t X


Watch your Y F C magazine for further announcement

For further information write: FR AN K C. PHILLIPS Exec. Vice President, Youth for Christ International 130 North Wells Street, Chicago 6, Illinois.

Pago Two

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1948, The King’s Business No part o f this magazine may he reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved.

Vol. 39

MAY, 1948 Child and Youth Evangelism Number

No. 5


I took a piece of plastic clay And gently fashioned it one day; And as my fingers pressed it still, It moved and yielded at my will. I came again when days were past, The bit of clay was hard at last. The form I gave it still it bore, But I could change that form no more. I took a piece of living clay, And gently formed it day by day, And molded with my power and art A young child’s soft and yielding heart. I came again when days were gone; It was a man I looked upon. He still that early impress wore, And I could change it never more. G OD is not real to many people. He does not seem so real to that man as his difficult task; He does not seem so real to that woman as her work and trials; He does not seem so real to that sufferer as his sickness. How shall we make Him real? The best way I know is to take Him into the things that are real. That headache is real. Take Him into it, and He will be as real as the headache, and a good deal more so, for He -will be there when the headache is gone. That trial is real; it has burned itself into your life; God will be more so. That washing and iron­ ing are real; take God into your home, and He will be as real. That is what makes Him real—link Him with your life. So the banyan tree grows. First, its trunk and branches shoot up to heaven, and then the branches grow down into the ground and become rooted in the earth. By and by there are a hundred branches interwoven from the ground so that the storm and the winds cannot disturb it, and even the simoom of the Indian Ocean cannot tear it up. It is rooted and bound together by hundreds of interlacing roots and branches. And so when God saves a soul, He plants one branch; but when He comes to fill and sanctify and help in your difficulties, each is another branch. Thus your life becomes rooted and bound to God by a hundred fibers, and all the power of hell cannot break that fellow­ ship or separate you from His love. — A. B. .Simpson, D.D.


Editorially Speaking


The Bible in the News, William W. O rr .................. Is Delinquency Juvenile? Herbert G. Tovey ........... Reaching Teen-Agers fo r Christ, Mrs. Richard Cole Poem, How Old Must I B e ? ........................................... Is It R igh t or W rong ? AUison Arrowood ..................

5 6 7 8 9

Poem, The Better G ift, Martha Snell Nicholson .................................... 9 Junior K ing’s Business, Martha S. H o o k e r .................... ........................ 10 Poems, Child’s Vesper Hymn, Francis Turner Palgrave; Children, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; A Child’s Thought o f God, Elizabeth Barrett B row n in g .............. 11 Biola Family C ir c le ............................................................................................ 12 Palestine, Russia and Ezekiel 39, Louis T. Talbot .................................. 13 My Conversion from Mormonism, Einar A nd erson ............................... 14 Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x ............................................................................... 15 Spring Housecleaning, Bess McClennan Antisdale ................................ 16 Biola in China, Charles A . Roberts ............................................................. 17 Biola Doings, Anne and A l ............................................................................. 18 It’s An Idea, Carlton C. Buck ........................................................................ 20 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ils on ................................................. 20 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison A rr ow o od ............24 Object Lessons, Elmer L. W ild e r .................................... ............................ 28 Picture Credit: Cover, Eva Luoma, Hollidays Cove, W. Va. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business" is published monthly; *2.00, one year; $1.00,,six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Wrtie for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cejits extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration' will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS— '“The King’s Business’’ cannot accept reponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California.

Page Three

M A Y , 1 9 4 8

The Destiny of a Whole People B EFORE me is a full-page advertise­ ment with the above words in glar­ ing black type, referring to the recently created Independent Jewish State in Palestine. The world is here called upon to support the Palestine resolution with courage, with work and with money. The eyes of the world are said to be on this decision and for world-wide Jewry this is acclaimed the greatest hour. It is no secret that the prophetic Scriptures are vitally concerned with the happenings of this comparatively small nation. From G e n e s i s 12 on through the Revelation, there is an over­ whelming amount of Holy Writ dealing with the fortunes of God’s ancient peo­ ple. Their present world-wide dispersal is both prophesied and acknowledged within the chronological scope of the Bible. The binoculars of prophecy often focus on the time when the world-wide captivity of the Jews will be over, and when they will again occupy the land which God originally gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The question before us is, “Has that hour come? Are advertise­ ments like those now appearing indica­ tive of the baring of God’s arm in be­ half of His people?” A most remarkable passage of Scrip­ ture is Deuteronomy 28 to 30. There Moses, the man of God, minutely out­ lines in advance the victories and de­ feats of the coming centuries. The Baby­ lonian captivity is predicted, and finally the dispersion of the Jews among the nations. Then, in the opening of Chapter 30, Moses tells of their regathering fol­ lowing the long agonizing years of wan­ dering. The key which unlocks the door of their ancient land to these modern wanderers is national repentance and turning to God. When this transpires, then the arm of God will move with swift successive strokes to regather His ancient people to the land which He gave to them forever. As we examine this advertisement, we fail to find any note of repentance. We look in vain for an acknowledgment of sin. We see no evidence of a desire on the part of Jewish leaders to acknowl­ edge their transgressions and to seek the face of Jehovah. There is no doubt, how­ ever, that the events taking place before our very eyes foreshadow the fulfillment of these Scriptural prophesies. Perhaps much sooner than we think the actuality of the events of which Moses wrote will be upon the world and the destiny, not only of this nation but all the people of the world, will be de­ cided by the Son of God who will Him­ self sit upon the judgment seat. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Continued on Page 17) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

been in. The pure gospel was now the only thing I could tolerate for the old rotarian type sermons had become re­ pugnant.” More follows, but it is sufficient to say that by simple reception of, and attend­ ance to, the pure Word of God, another soul has been liberated from the pitfalls of liberal thought. Surely it is not pos­ sible to overemphasize the value of con­ stant and consistent reading of the Word of God. The Wages of Sin D URING the last few years medical science has brought forth a num­ ber of so-called “wonder drugs” . These have been widely publicized and have received enthusiastic reception. Some have professed to see in these miracle cures the disannulment of the age-old law about the consequences of sin. Re­ ported quick cures for social diseases seemed to remove all danger of infection from indulgence in sin. However, the truth of the matter is, that there are many dangers connected with the use of these drugs and their assured so- called cures are, in many cases, totally unreliable. Dr. John H. Talbott, of the University of Buffalo School of Medi­ cine, warns: “ Penicillin’s toxic or irritant effect is ‘unimportant,’ except when it is injected into the spine; then it may cause con­ vulsions. A few patients may get a rash, no matter how the drug is given; sensi­ tivity may follow use of the drug, so it should not be used for minor ailments. “ Streptomycin, like penicillin, but un­ like aerosporin has dangerous effects that are probably inherent, and not due to impurities. Streptomycin may cause headaches, skin eruptions,-dizziness, and may damage kidneys or ears. “ Sulfonamides may cause nausea, vomiting, cyanosis (skin turning blue because of lack of oxygen in the blood), mental confusion, anemia, damage to liver ’ and kidneys—and in some cases, death.” As we add up this total, it furnishes additional evidence that clean living, right thinking, and recognition of God still constitute the best pillars on which to construct a sound, healthy and suc­ cessful life.

A Profitable Summer I N the last few decades, an encourag­ ing sign of spiritual advance has been the summer Bible Conference movement, largely in the hands of conservative Christians. Many thousands have 'been invited to spend their summer vacations in an atmosphere both recreationally profitable and spiritually edifying, and this movement has been particularly owned of God as a means of reaching the youth of our land. A goodly percent­ age of young people now in training for Christian service received their calls in summer Bible Conferences. Parents de­ sirous of having their children find the Lord’s will for their lives would do well to encourage, in every way possible, their attendance at one of these summer Bible Camps. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is sponsoring two camps this summer. One limited to High School and college young people, will be held at Hume Lake, near Sequoia National Park, July 10 to 17. The other conference is to be held at Mount Hermon Conference Grounds in the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 75 miles south of San Francisco, August 15 to 22. Information regarding these conferences may be obtained by writing the Extension Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. Southern California told this story: A young lady had dabbled in perfunctory church attendance and cults, a m o n g them spiritism. Along with this, her lit­ erary diet consisted of the writings of outstanding theological liberals. How­ ever, she confessed that these things did not feed her soul hunger, and, as a re­ sult, she became desperate. Then fol­ lowed in God’s good will, a physical breakdown. When neither church nor pastor could help, God took over by speaking truths to her through His Word. She testifies: “ I immediately be­ gan to read and study the Bible and the more I read, the more fundamental I be­ came. The old laissez-faire tolerant atti­ tude gave way to a positive belief, and I could see the dangerous waters I had Page Four From Liberalism To Christ A RECENT letter from a member of the Bible Institute radio audience in

Draft Dodgers? It was common during the war to accuse ministerial students of a lack of courage and patriotism because of their enrollment in theological schools. The idea in the minds of many was that the Bible schools and seminaries were burst­ ing at the seams with war-shy students. This matter, however, has been satis­ factorily cleared up in a recent report of the Selective Service. During the three years preceding the war, theologi­ cal school enrollment was increasing at the rate of 4% a year. During the war years, it slumped almost to a standstill and enrollments fell far below normal expectancy, and increases did not come until the war’s close when veteran applications boosted the enrollment to an all-time high. Very Plain Speech We quote from the editorial columns of the Christian Advocate for an ex­ ample of lucid thinking and plain speak­ ing: “ If the Un-American Activities’ Com­ mittee wants to discover what the mo­ tion picture industry is doing, let it look at the pictures themselves: Prosti­ tutes are glamorized, rapes are made to appear respectable, little or nothing can be undertaken without the aid of a cig­ arette, all social recreations must be saturated in alcohol, the marriage vow is nullified, domestic relations are made a mockery, nudity is applauded, insanity is glossed over with technicolor, jungle ethics are paraded before our -children, decency is made to appear dull. Protes­ tant clergymen are almost without ex­ ception represented as simpletons, sacred things are made common and sobriety is ridiculed.” At this point the editor evidently ran out of space. Some Progress <£ The atom bomb, containing the ex­ plosive power of 20,000 tons of TNT which wrecked Hiroshima, is now con­ sidered a “ Model T” compared with the improved bombs. At a recent conference in Manhattan, a member of the Army’s General Staff hinted that there were now bombs equivalent to 40,000 tons of explosive, and that there was talk about producing a bomb 50 times more power­ ful. One such bomb, skillfully placed, could do a Hiroshima job on the entire city of New York. Nor is this all. Ac­ cording to Washington scientists, the latest doom weapon is a form of carbon dioxide gas with potentialities of death to any living thing within four days. Since this gas is an integral part of natural air, gas masks will furnish no protection whatever against it. Psychiatrist Praises vit Dr. George W. Crane, well - known practical psychiatrist, has some good words for the ministry of the American Sunday School: “ In this dearth of moral instruction, the need for a strongly organized Sun- M A Y , 1 9 4 8

William W . Orr, D.D.

day School is greater than ever before . . . The very best fortresses for pro­ tecting American culture and this re­ public are those brick and stone houses o f worship in every hamlet and me­ tropolis throughout the land. They are the churches! Moreover, they aren’t filled with machine guns, high explo­ sives or atomic bombs and poison gases. Yet they not only created but still stanchly maintain our liberty, freedom and cultural heritages. So get behind the Sunday Schools. They are really DO­ ING something to combat juvenile de­ linquency! They don’t confine themselves to dire predictions and ominous shak­ »St A real blow to gospel broadcasting was the agreement by the National As­ sociation of Broadcasters which decided that “religious programs should be pre­ sented by recognized and responsible groups and organizations . . . no ap­ peal for funds should be permitted on such programs . . . Religious broadcasts should place major emphasis on broad religious truths. They should not be used for the presentation of controversial questions or for the expression of par­ tisan opinions or discussions.” On the other hand, there are some items of encouragement in the radio field. The Sudan Interior Mission has permission to construct a radio station of 100,000 watts in Ethiopia which will reach throughout Northern Africa and the Near East. In San Jose, Costa Rica, the new station of the Latin American Mission, TIFC, is now broadcasting. Known as “ The Lighthouse of the Car­ ibbean” this station is starting out with 1,000 watts on the 1,000 kilocycle chan­ nel of standard broadcast band. An ap­ plication for a license, for short wave operation is pending. The giant mission­ ary station, HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, has received another mark of favor when upon it was conferred knighthood, and its contract with the government of Ecuador extended to 1980. The new FM station, WPTL, of the Providence R. I., Bible Institute, dedicated to education and religion, is now broadcasting regu­ larly. ings of the heads.” Christian Radio

More Chaplains •-¿tA recent circular letter from the office of the Chief of Chaplains of the United States contains an appeal for 400 men to serve as chaplains in the army and air forces during 1948. These men will be responsible for spiritual and moral counsel, promoting morale and arrang­ ing for services for public worship. Ap­ plicants must not be more than 50 years of age and members of the National Guard or of the Chaplain Reserve Corps. This call presents a real opportunity for able, Bible-believing men to aid in a very needy field. No Wet Ads £ Most of us are nauseated by the un­ wholesome flood of liquor advertising appearing in newspapers and magazines. However, according to the Associated Church Press, the following magazines contain liquorless pages: Saturday Eve­ ning Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, Path­ finder, Farm Journal, Good Housekeep­ ing, Capper’s Weekly, Country Gentle­ man, Etude, and Woman’s Home Com­ panion. The Little Jew ■M Recently, because of a successful evangelistic campaign in Detroit, Michi­ gan, Dr. Hyman Appelman recently made the religious department of Time. Time reported that he reminded many listeners of Billy Sunday, and called him a sensational evangelist who styled him­ self “ the little Jew with a big Jesus.” There is no doubt but that God is using Dr. Appelman to turn many hearts to Christ. He is now heading for Australia for a six-month series of meetings. Another Record Now termed by sportswriters the “greatest miler who has ever run,” Gil Dodds has consistently broken records in his athletic endeavors this year. This time his nearest rival was some 40 rods in the rear as Gil breasted the tape. The time of 4:05.3 bettered his previous rec­ ord by more than a second. Again Gil gave credit to the One to whom it is due, as he testified, “ I always do my best, trusting in the Lord. I feel as if He’s with me—I’m not out there completely alone.” Page Five

A few illustrations will be of interest: When I was going on duty one after­ noon, the Chief called my attention to a burglary in a grade school; the window had been jimmied open, the burglar had entered, taken a baseball and a violin worth $800.00. The culprit had made his exit through the window and later that day sold the baseball. When he was ap­ prehended, the violin was in his posses­ sion. Inasmuch as he was a juvenile, I went to the school, met the boy, and talked with him. He was only eight years of age! “ What could be done with a boy of that age?” is a question one might well ask. Naturally, I placed him on voluntary probation, although he did not understand what that meant. All I could do was to explain in the simplest lan­ guage possible the error of his ways, to try to point out to him how wicked was his crime, and what it would lead to. A case of an opposite nature is that of the four young men I found sitting in my office when I arrived on duty some years ago, with the Chief standing by telling them in no uncertain terms, with all the force that a man in his position can give to his words, that were it not for the fact that they had a chaplain, some of these boys would go to San Quentin im­ mediately. They had staged a well-plan­ ned burglary, with the proverbial “look­ out” across the road; they had drilled the locks to the door; they had reached in with their hands and unlatched the inside catch, had worked in and rifled various machines in a restaurant, and were in the act of breaking open the music box machine when (at 2 o’clock in the morning) the officers entered and caught them. Their ages were 16, 17, 17 and 18 years. These boys were turned over to me for questioning, investigation, and ad­ vice. After placing them on voluntary probation, I began a plan of procedure which they met with very arrogant at­ titudes. The leader was especially inso­ lent. After dealing with them about three months, this pose was broken down. All of the boys volunteered the admission that their act was one of utter folly and that they were glad they had been caught. I discovered that they had seen a burglary portrayed on the movie screen, and had decided that they could do a better job. At the end of three months, they had passed their period of probation and were released. The leader entered military service and made a splendid record overseas with the Marines. When he was discharged, his chaplain wrote me saying that he had confided to him all of his past and asked him'to write to me. Now that young man is a splendid citizen. No publicity was ever given to the four boys, and there is no police record other than the simple record of the probation period. But what of the cure for delinquency? I have one answer, and in it is found the only remedy for the cause of this pre­ vailing condition—it is Christ, the Sav­ iour of mankind. He alone can touch the heart of the individual. And so in all T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


By Chaplain Herbert G. Tovey, Capt. Montebello Police Department- Montebello, California

T HE youth of our nation—and the world, for that matter—have be­ come the center of an adverse pub­ licity which has so drummed the expres­ sion juvenile delinquency into our ears that we are actually getting used to it. The word juvenile has captivated our thinking, and so our accusations point to­ ward youth delinquency rather than to­ ward the delinquency of youth.

reveals its deadly virus through the tender ignorance of young minds so susceptible to the promise of adventure without control. The young boy or girl entering life and marching through the later teen-age period, without the privi­ lege of discipline and kindly care, easily falls a victim to the evil suggestions of older criminally-disposed minds. It is then that they find themseves in some escapade which makes them “juvenile delinquents.” Much of this situation comes from the breeding ground of broken homes, apd homes where parents continually fight each other. Boys and girls are proud of their parents and naturally long for parental care and kindness; and when this is denied, many become arrogant, self-centered, and fall an easy prey to any suggestion that seems to provide a way out of this troublesome situation. For the most part, parents are igno­ rant of the seriousness of this condition, and when confronted with cases where their children are involved, will deny that their children are guilty. They will even accuse the authorities of being biased or of having a case against them. It is the local police department that receives the full impact of the crimes committed by juveniles, and police au­ thorities are frankly truthful, facing the situation as it is, irrespective of the social standing of the home from which the child comes. Because of this, the police department is a valuable asset to society and should not be criticized when obliged to tell the truth. The process of police correction, however, and the ad­ ministration of punishment, are but corrective measures. The police do not profess to give the reason for delinquen­ cy, but, whenever possible, they seek to help, through the co-operation of the various civic organizations and the min­ istry, to save young offenders from their error and from police records and pub­ licity. One of the most valuable helps that a city can have is a chaplain in the police department, or Christian juvenile offi­ cers. Mostly these are men, but they could be well-qualified and experienced women. It falls to my lot to be responsible for the Human Relations Department, and Chaplain of the Montebello, California, Police Department under the efficient leadership of Chief L. B. Maxwell. Many and varied have been my experiences, although my work with tfee department is limited to a few short hours each week.

. Chaplain Herbert G. Tovey Chaplain Tovey is a person of many gifts. Not only does he take an active interest in the work described in this article, but he is also Minister of Music for the Church of the Open Door and Director of the Music Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angelesi Of course, we do have a good deal of trouble with a certain type of boys and girls—so much so that serious legisla­ tion has been made in order to attempt to meet the situation. This youth prob­ lem is by no means a myth, but an actual fact. The real trouble, however, is not with youth as such, but with a more vicious and fundamental moral cancer with which this world is afflicted. We see the results of its rapid growth on every hand, and no one needs to be re­ minded that it is malignant. I speak of inbred sin. Juvenile delinquency is not a new thing; it is simply an old condition that Page Six

the work that is committed to me as a police officer and chaplain, I seek to bring before these delinquents the claims of Christ; and where there is any possi­ bility at all, I introduce them to some evangelical church. And what of the results? One day as I came on duty, I noticed on the desk sergeant’s table a large pic­ ture of a crushed Plymouth sedan. “Who was killed in that car?” I asked. “ No one,” the officer replied. “ There were three girls in that car, and they weren’t hurt very seriously.” I said, “ I cannot believe it.” “Well,” he said, “ they are in jail right now.” When I knew that these three girls were in in our jail, I said I must see them, and so, asking the matron to open the cell door, I invited the girls into my office. They came, and when I had gathered the story of these runaways,' I found that one girl (15 years of age) had al­ ready solicited on the streets for six months; another who was older, had been soliciting for a longer time; the third was just starting on what could lead to a life of crime. After talking kindly with them, I finally brought them to the point of ten­ der memories: I saw the tears well up in their eyes; and then at the appro­ priate time I brought before them what it meant to turn their backs on sin and to begin a new life. It was my joy to see those girls kneel in my office and accept Christ as their Saviour, and each accept a Gospel of John. I found out the name of the city to which they were to go, and contacted an evangelical minister there, giving him their names and addresses, so that he might assist them further. One boy came to my office because an old school theft had been discovered. A f­ ter a conversation, the whole matter was cleared up satisfactorily. He was a Christian, and out of that discussion came a decision on his part that will un­ doubtedly lead him to give himself wholly to full-time Christian service. You see, a cell can become a house of God and a chaplain’s desk, a pulpit. These are but a few of the many op­ portunities that come the way of the chaplain and juvenile officer in the De­ partment of Human Relations. It so happens that in the Montebello Police Department, the Chief and all the of­ ficers are glad to give me absolute free­ dom to deal with these cases as I see fit. Delinquency is not juvenile. I meet it in adults where there are those deep- seated serious situations of pending breaks in families and homes already broken. It becomes my joy to meet these and talk with them about the more seri­ ous things of life and eternity. I believe that an evangelical chaplain in a police department, or any civic pub­ lic institution, has an unusual opportu­ nity to point ihen and women, boys and girls, to the place of peace and rest, the source of salvation — the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. No, delinquency is not juvenile; it is very mature. M A Y , 1 9 4 8

N OT long ago a letter came to my desk from a Christian worker in which she wrote: “How I do praise God for raising up the Key to Life Clubs for the Junior High young people! I have been interested in Child Evangelism for years, and have taught High School and College Bible Classes for the seventh, eighth and ninth graders. We have prayed definitely that God would raise up some club for this age and we believe your Key to Life Club is the answer to our prayers. So we thank Him and wish to encourage your hearts, knowing ‘that He which hath begun a good work in you will per­ form it .until the day of Jesus Christ.’ ” Some of you may not have heard of this Club, so let me give some of the high points. It was born of necessity: groups of Junior Highs insisted upon having their own Bible Club. Trusting they could be affiliated with some na­ tional organization, they were encour­ aged to band together. Then there proved to be nothing organized particu­ larly for their age. There were Child Evangelism classes for the Primary and the Junior age, and several well-known groups for High School age, but nothing for these Junior Highs. As we who were interested waited on the Lord, He gave us the Key to Life Club for them. We have felt that it was His club, raised up for such a time as this. The Teen-Agers have been called “the impossible age” by many and “the prob­ lem age” by others, but they are no

problem to God, and nothing is impos­ sible with Him. The Lord Jesus Himself declared, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Christ also declared, “Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15). Paul wrote: “ How shall they be­ lieve in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher (or teacher)?” (Rom. 10:14). Thousands of Junior Highs have never been inside of a church or Sunday School, have never heard the name of God or Jesus Christ, except in oaths, and have never seen a Bible, not to mention ever having possessed one of their own! Talk about missions! Do you realize that every city and town in America is a real mission field? Everyone is decry­ ing the awful tide of juvenild delin­ quency, but how can it be otherwise, with so many broken homes and godless fathers and mothers? Thousands of dol­ lars are being spent to build amusement places, gymnasiums, and what have you, to give young people thrills and the “up-look.” But doing this without pre­ senting to them the one and only cure for an aching heart, a troubled mind, a passion - wracked body, and a sin - sick soul is very ineffective and only a tem­ porary cure for crime. Too long Jesus Christ has been pre­ sented as an effeminate sort of being appealing only to women, children and weak men. Junior Highs have said, Page Seven

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“ Jesus Christ is a sissy” , or “We don’t want that kind of a God.” Who does? We are to blame for ever having allowed our Lord to be so caricatured. We must give the Teen - Agers the truth! Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, is the HERO of all ages! He was the only one ever born to die. His great purpose in coming into the world was to give His life to redeem a condemned and ruined race. Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, not only died for all, but rose from the dead victorious, and is today at God’s right hand, interceding for His own and preparing a place for those who love Him, and He is, we believe, coming again very soon to receive all who are His, to take them to live with Him for­ ever and ever. The Word speaks of only two places which are being prepared: one is the home for God’s children, the, other a place of torment for the devil and his angels. All may choose to be with Jesus forever, but if they refuse or neg­ lect to make that choice, they will cer­ tainly reach the other place. Since this life is just the vestibule to either heaven or hell, the gospel must be given with­ out equivocation to Teen-Agers, who are at the most critical time to make life de­ cisions. The purpose of our Key to Life Club is three-fold. By giving Teen-Agers the truth about our wonderful Lord and Saviour, and teaching them to read and feed on His Word, we first strengthen the Christian young people; second, we win to Him not only the respectable un­ saved young people, but. the problem ones as well; in the third place, we make the way of salvation plain to all. If a medicine is only effective with very mild cases, we cast it aside for one that can also be used for the virulent forms of disease. As Christians, we have the one cure that will reach from the guttermost to the uttermost, from the “ down and out” in the slums to the “up and out” in places of wealth. The gospel is a cure for all cases, for sin is sin, whether it be respectable or loathsome, the wages of which are death. Why spend all our time trying to reclaim those who have learned so much sin in high school and college? Why not try to reach the Teen-Agers before they get so far away from God? ' Our dim is to cause young people to realize that Jesus Christ has a plan for each one of them, and to persuade them to let Him carry it out in their lives (John 15:16, 19); to urge them to line up with the church, His body (Eph. 1:22, 23), and do His work as the Holy Spirit leads and directs (Acts 13:2). In our Bible study, we begin by pre­ senting to Teen-Agers the reasons why we believe that the Bible is God’s Word. So, as they memorize it and make it part of the rule and guide of their lives, they realize that it is living and powerful. We teach them that God’s Word has the answer to every problem life may have for them, and that they must read it and heed it to be successful Christians. Page Eight

The Club is the Teen - Agers. They elect their own officers, plan their own programs and fun-times, and carry them out under the supervision of their direc­ tor, who not only supervises their activi­ ties, but -teaches the lessons as well. Those wishing to organize or direct a group write in to headquarters and are sent a questionnaire to be filled out,


A Christian worker who spent many years as a mis­ sionary in China, relates this story about herself: She was a member of a #oung women’s group in a Christian Endeavor society. One day, the leader asked each girl to lead in a brief prayer. But she was proud of heart, and said within her­ self: “ I will not do it! I will not make a fool of myself by praying aloud in public!” The girls prayed around the circle, finally reach ing the girl next to her, who had a serious speech impediment. This girl had no palate. But, in spite of her affliction, out of a great devotion to Christ, she began to pour out her heart in prayer, with halting, stumbling words. Suddenly the arrogant girl, standing beside this afflicted one, was smitten with convic­ tion for her sin in refusing to pray aud ibly w ith her good, normal voice. The Holy Spirit spoke to her about a complete surrender of herself to God. When her turn came, she prayed the most sincere prayer of her life—a prayer of ded ica tion to the Lord. “ That poor, unfortunate girl made me a missionary,” she testifies.

"Dear Mother," said a little maid, "Please whisper it to me, Before I am a Christian, How old ought I to b e ?" "How old ought you to be, dear child, Before you can love me?" "I always loved you, Mother mine, Since I was tiny wee. "I love you now and always will," The little daughter said, And on her mother's shoulder laid Her golden, curly head. "How old, my girlie, must you be, Before you trust my care?" "Oh, Mother dear, I do, I do— I trust you everywhere." "How old ought you to be, my child, To do the things I sa y ?" The little girl looked up and said, "I can do that today." "Then you can be a Christian, too, Don't wait till you are grown; Tell Jesus now you come to Him, To be His very own." Then, as the little maid knelt down And said, "Lord, if I may, I'd like to be a Christian now," He answered, "Yes, today." —Author Unknown d* “ This isn’t just a psychiatrist’s fan­ tasy; it’s brutal fact.” Such were the words of Dr. Edward A. Strecker, Penn­ sylvania University psychiatrist, in a re­ cent address in which he issued a stern warning. He believes the United States is suffering from a dangerous increase in emotional immaturity, and. stands where the Roman Empire stood in 300 A.D., in imminent danger of disintegra­ tion. Ours is the most materialistic civ­ ilization the world has ever known, from which most spiritual values have been lost. These are the fears of one of our country’s most able educators. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

signed, and mailed. If their belief and policies are the same as that of the Club, a folder of “ Instructions for Organizing and Directing a Chapter” is provided. Literature and beautiful Key to Life pins are furnished at nominal cost to regular clubs. Some, realizing that this is a faith work, are led of the Lord to give regu­ larly to its support. Many are led to pray for this enterprise, which is most important. All who love young people may fellowship with us in prayer. Have you a burden for this age group? May God lay them upon your heart from now on until you take some part in this work, either in starting it in your own locality o> helping to support and pro­ mote it nationally. He will bless you abundantly!


H AVE you ever defiantly said, “ No one can boss me” ? Perhaps, momentarily, the statement kept someone from ruling you, but you were yielding to another mas­ ter stronger than that individual. You had forgotten that some habits make you their slaves. They have more power in your life than you realize. You will find that out when you en­ deavor to free yourself from their dominion. Most of your habits have mastered you for so many years that you yield to them “ on the spur of the moment” without thinking. Aristotle said: 7 say that habit’s but long practice, Friend, And this becomes men’s nature in the end. Christian young people must classify their habits as either Christlike or un-Christlike. Will you take inventory of some of your habits as Christian fellows and girls?

During the Civil War, a farmer boy heard General Lee order his troops to attack Gettysburg rather than Harrisburg. The boy hurried with the news tokGovernor Curtin who said to his officers, “ I’d give my right hand to know if that boy is telling the truth.” A corporal stepped forward and said, “ Sir, I know that lad. It is impossible for him to lie. There is not a drop of false blood in his veins!” In fifteen minutes the Union troops were marching into Gettysburg to win their final vic­ tory! Could an officer move an entire army upon your word? Can your Lord count upon your lips always to be truthful for His glory? Probably you would not rob a store, but do you “ slip” chalk, pencils, paper, etc., home from school for your own use? Per­ haps you would not steal your friend’s purse, but you steal the information from his examination paper and turn your paper so that he can see your answer! You wouldn’t carry your notes to a test, but if the teacher leaves the room, you quickly look into your book for a date or a name! You would not swim in a restricted lake or stream if the ranger were there, but the minute he leaves, you break the law and go swimming! Has it become a habit just to watch the congregation while you sit in the choir loft, rather than entering with all your heart into the worship service? Has church become to you a •place to “catch up” on the week’s gossip with your best friend, to read the next installment of the serial in your Sunday School paper, to manicure your fingernails, or take a little nap? Souls have been eternally lost because of young people whose irrev­ erence in God’s house has kept them from hearing the Holy Spirit speak to them. Do you just “get by” in your school work, or are you “tops” in all of your school activities for the glory of the Lord? When mother or father ask your help, do you do just enough to “keep peace in the family” ? If you are hired to clean a room, do you remove only the dirt that shows, or do you clean everything thoroughly? “ Little things” you say? Yes, but things that sometimes keep others from wanting to know our Saviour—things that are expected in the lives of those who are not sons and daugh­ ters of the King, but things that disappoint others in the testimony of Christian young people. God says, “ And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:17). Can He depend upon your truthfulness, honesty, and faithfulness in all cir­ cumstances for His glory, that other young people may want to know Him too? QCf)e petter <§tft H E clutched the red-tipped matches in his tiny hand, Nor would he give them up. But mothers understand A gentle way to deal with stubborn little boys. And so, with no harsh arguments, no fuss, no noise, I held an apple out. He let the matches fall, And reached out for the better gift. And that was all. A ND so our blessed Lord deals with His children here. Lest we should hold the cities of this world too dear And thus become besmirched with evil, scorched with fire, He gently bids our wondering eyes to look up higher. And we, beholding there the New Jerusalem, Alight with golden glory, brilliant as a gem, Can never love again the dull and dingy earth, Nor in its tinsel treasures find the slightest worth. K EEP Thou the vision, precious Lord, before our eyes, As we pursue our pilgrim way to Paradise! Martha Snell Nicholson. Page Nine

Photograph by Harold M. La/mbert

When you are asked a question, do people know that you tell the truth, or is there a question mark in their minds? A Christian worker said of a Sunday School teacher, “ I can believe only half of what she says.” Perhaps you see Sally coming down the sidewalk toward your home. Mentally you say, “ Oh, I surely hope that nuisance isn’t coming here! She always stays so long, and I never enjoy talking with her.” Sally does ring your door bell. As you open the door, you exclaim enthusiastically, “Why, Sally dear, I’m so glad to see you. I was just wishing that you would run over for a visit!” Perhaps Mrs. Blank comes to church wearing a new hat. As she walks down the aisle, you inwardly groan, “ What a horrid mess! I’ve never seen her wear a more ghastly color and the style is the worst yet this year!” After church, Mrs. Blank asks you how you like her new hat. “ It’s lovely,” you say, “just the kind you should always wear!” You promise when entrusted with a secret “not to tell a soul,” but when you see your dearest friend, you can hardly wait to tell her the news—“but you mustn’t tell anyone else, will you?” Just “white lies,” you say? Just remarks to keep from hurting people’s feeling? Does God classify lies as “white” or “ black” ? Are your “ polite lies” just gray in His sight? God says: “ We have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves” (Isa. 28:15). “Excellent speech becometh not a fool: much less do ly­ ing lips a prince” (Prov. 17:7). “Lying lips are abomination to the Lord” (Prov. 12:22). M A Y . 1 9 4 8




By Doris Coffin Aldrich

Martha S. Hooker

HREE blind mouse: Three blind mouse,” sang Annette as she put her dolly to bed. “ Rat,” suggested Timmie, who was building blocks near­ by. “No, mice,” corrected Becky who goes to kindergarten. “ Three blind mouse,” continued Net, carefully tucking in the blankets. “ But Net, it isn’t mouse!” said Becky. “ It’s mice and you shouldn’t say it that way!” “I don’t care,” answered Annette, “ I like it that way.” “ But it’s wrong that way. Make her say it, right, Mommie.” Mommie looked at the twins and Net and then at Becky’s worried little face. She laughed to herself because they were so upset over the mouse . . . rat . . . no, mice! “ The thing is,” she said, “ that it doesn’t really matter what you call them.” Becky opened her mouth, and so Mommie hurried on. “ The thing that really mattered was that they were all blind, poor things.” “An’ they got their tails cut off?” added Timmie, nodding his head wisely.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER By Elizabeth Killough M OTHER always kept her Bible beside her bed so that in the morning she could look up a little verse to memorize for that day. Small Mary would often run in early, asking eagerly, “What did you find today, Mamma?” One morning Mother said, “Mary, I have found something especially for you today. Listen carefully and repeat it after me: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self.’ This is a command, Mary; you must love and keep on loving, no matter what happens. Jesus said this was very important.” Mary was very quiet, for she knew what Mother meant. She had been the only child in the home and had never had to share or put herself out for anyone before, but now with little Janice sharing her room, her toys and her friends, things had become very upsetting. Mother had brought Janice from a “Home” to be company for Mary, but Janice was mean; she broke Mary’s dolls and she just spoiled everything. Mary was very unhappy and often wished it was time for Janice to go back to the “Home.” Mary walked thoughtfully back to her room. There sat Janice with Mary’s new dress and a pair of scissors in her hands! Yes, Janice was actually cutting holes in Mary’s dress. Mary stood in the doorway, horrified. Janice, seeing her, laughed, and then grew silent. Mary would have run forward and hit her, but her mother’s words were still ring­ ing in her ears: “ This means, Mary, that we must love our friends and keep on loving them, no matter what.” Mary found herself saying, “ Janice, I don’t care what you do. I still love you.” Janice suddenly sat down on the floor and sobbed and sobbed. Mary had never heard her cry before. She hurried for­ ward and sat down beside her; then, putting her arms around her, she cried too. Then just as suddenly they both began to laugh, and that too was the first time they had really laughed together, although they had often laughed at one another. Janice never did go back to the “ Home.” Love saw to that. BIBLE MOTHERS Match the following by -placing the correct number before the name of the Bible Mother suggested by the following quotations: 1. “ My soul doth magnify the Lord” .............................Eunice 2. “ 0 Lord of hosts . . . give unto thine handmaid a man child” ..............................................................Hagar 3. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” ........................................................................ Sarah 4. She “bare a son: and when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months” ..........Rebekah 5. “ When I call to remembrance the . . . faith which dwelt first in thy grandmother . . . and thy mother” ............................................................. Elisabeth 6. “And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come tome” ................................................. Eve 7. “ Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed . . . [she] shall have a son” ..........Jochebed 8. “ The mother of all living” . ........................................ Ruth* 9. “ Thou God seest me” ..................... Mary 10. “ Behold, the eamels werecoming” ............................ Hannah

“Yes, they did,” answered Mommie. “ Poor blind things, running in all directions because they couldn’t see. The name wasn’t the main thing . . . but the blindness.” “ And it’s like that with people, too,” thought Mommie. “ Some say, ‘Oh, I believe this, and I go to that church.’ Others pride themselves on doing this good thing and be­ longing to a group called by another name. “ But if they are not really Christians, and do not know thè Lord, it doesn’t matter what they are called—they’re blind. The important thing is to see, and we can’t see until our eyes have been opened by the Lord Jesus Christ. We can’t know God until we’ve seen Jesus as our Saviour.” Years ago there was a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. One day, the Lord Jesus Christ came by. Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus . . . have mercy on me.” The Lord heard him, and asked what he wanted and Bar­ timaeus answered. “ That I might receive my sight.” What did the Lord do? Why, He healed his blindness and Bartimaeus could see! Bartimaeus got right up and followed Jesus. Not only his blind eyes, but his blind heart had been made to see. The poor blind mice had no one to help them; they scur­ ried wildly in all directions. Bartimaeus had the Lord to heal his blind eyes, and more—his blind heart. And we need not scurry in darkness, not knowing which way to turn. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “ I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” And He opened our eyes to see the light, that wonderful light which He can be to every dark and blinded heart which will yet Him shine in.

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Mark Gale CH ILDREN By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Come to me, O ye Children! For I he^ar you at your play, And the questions that perplexed me Have vanished quite away. Ye open the eastern windows, That look towards the sun, Where thoughts are singing swallows And the brooks of morning run. Ah! what would the world be to us If the children were no more? W e should dread the desert behind us Worse than the dark before. What the leaves are to the forest, With light and air for food, Ere their sweet and tender juices Have been hardened into wood,— That to the world are children; Through them it feels the glow O f a brighter, sunnier climate Than reaches the trunks below. For what are all our contrivings, And the wisdom of our books, When compared with your caresses, And the gladness of your looks? Ye are better than all the ballads That ever were sung or said; For ye are living poems, And all the rest are dead.

Marie, Dannie and Baby Louise Larsen A CH ILD 'S THOUGHT OF G O D By Elizabeth Barrett Browning They say that God lives very high; But, if you look above the pines, You cannot see our God; and why? And, if you dig down in the mines, You never see Him in the gold; Though from Him all that’s glory shines. God is so good He wears a fold Of heaven and earth across His face, Like secrets kept for love, untold. But still I feel that His embrace Slides down by thrills through all things made,— Through slight and sound of every place. As if my tender mother laid On my shut lips her kisses’ pressure, Half waking me at night, and said “Who kissed you through the dark, dear guesser ?”

Bobby and Billy Brown CH ILD 'S VESPER H YM N By Fronds Turner Palgrave Thou that once on mother’s knee Wert a little one like me, When I wake, or go to bed, Lay Thy hands about my head; Let me feel Thee very near, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear. Be beside me in the light, Close by me through all the night; Make me gentle, kind, and true, Do what mother bids me do; Help and cheer me when I fret, And forgive when I forget. Once wert Thou in cradle laid, Baby bright in manger shade, With the oxen and the cows, And the lambs outside the house: Now Thou art above the sky; Canst Thou hear a baby cry? Thou art nearer when we pray, Since Thou art so far away; Thou my little hymn wilt hear, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear, Thou that once on mother’s knee Wert a little one like me.

Our thanks to our friends for allowing us to use the pictures of their children. — Ed.

Ann Barton

Timothy Babb

Barbara Jean Plesich

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