King's Business - 1948-05

“ItWere Better That AMillstone”

anxious to know God’s truth. What trou­ bles me concerns the life of men like Abraham and David. These men were sinners, Abraham a lia/r, and David a murderer. Yet God’s blessing was upon them. Why was this? For the same reason that the blessing of God rests upon you and me. We are all a sorry lot in ourselves. What a reve­ lation we would have, if we could only see ourselves as God sees uS! We are bad enough when we see ourselves as our neighbors see us. It is a blessed thing that God deals with us in grace, on the grounds of our relationship to Christ not because of what we are or deserve. What should be the Christian’s atti­ tude toward bowling? I have been in­ clined to place this on the same plane as pool. Am I wrong? Bowling is a good exercise and I ques­ tion whether it should be placed in the same category as pool, because pool is so often connected with gambling and liq­ uor. It all depends upon the association. If the bowling alleys are associated with liquor or gambling, they would be “out of bounds” for a Christian. Our pastor recently preached on the story in the Bible about leaven. He taught that this shows the ultimate tri­ umph of the gospel, beginning unth very little, and then covering the earth. Is this right? Leaven, in the Scriptures, is never used to represent that which is good; it is always a symbol of evil. For in­ stance, Jesus said to His disciples: “ Be­ ware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matt. 16:6). The leaven of the Pharisees was ritualism and the leaven of the Sadducees was ma­ terialism. Read also Mark 8:15, 1 Corin­ thians 5:6-8 and Galatians 5:9 where leaven can only represent something evil. When Christ in Matthew 13:33 states: “ The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened” He was teaching the very opposite to what is generally deducted from this parable. He was ex­ plaining to the disciples what would take place right down to the close of the age —the mixture of sin and worldliness within the church; it certainly was not a reference to the spread of the gospel. I recently attended a church where they were giving prizes for the best at­ tendance in Sunday School. I was not brought up this way, but to believe that we should attend services in the Lord’s house just because it was right. What is your opinion? It is rather difficult to answer this question without fuller information as to all that is involved in the situation. Sometimes it would seem legitimate to encourage regular attendance in Sunday School by the presentation of a proper prize, like a Bible, a good book, or some­ thing of that nature. But if a church should have plays, dances and bridge parties, to encourage attendance, that would be another thing and much to be regretted. God is-calling His people to a life of separation.

From POLAND comes this grim report

“ One of the most terrible results of the war is the fear and distrust which so many Jewish children in Europe have developed toward people in general. My own little nephew is afraid to walk in the streets, but rather sneaks through, never looking people in the eyes. He is always tense and alert. These unhappy Jewish children have lost something which can never be restored to them— a sunny childhood. “ The wretched cruelty of people has turned so many of them into suspicious little beings, suffering from m en ta l shock. What grace and love will be necessary to deal with these children.” THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MIS­ SIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC., is ministering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to these little ones, and to their parents and relatives who survived the gruesome years of extermination. Over 20 of our mission­ aries and representatives are engaged in every part of the world in the sal­ vaging of the remnant of Israel. Thousands of relief parcels are urg­ ently needed to rescue our Hebrew Christian brethren in the throes of a great calamity. Will you help for the sake of Him who died for these little ones that none should perish. $10.00 will provide a food parcel. $50.00 will help support a missionary for one month. May we count on your prayers and gifts to strengthen our hands in this labor of love. The Friends of Israel Missionary and Relief Society^ Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steele Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer General Secretary

Does God sometimes speak to us in dreams and visions in this day? In Hebrews 1:1, 2 we read: “ God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, “ Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son.” In those days men did not have the full written revelation of God, the complete Bible we have today. Everything that God has to say to us and to the world, He has already said. It is possible for God to speak through dreams and visions today, to impress upon one some promise He has already written in His Word, but never does He give in dreams or any other way, new doctrines. Is God showing signs today in the heavens and the earth as it is predicted in the Scriptures? The use of “ signs” in the Bible had to do with Israel; the nation of Israel it­ self is one of God’s clearest signs and this is being corroborated every day by what is happening in the Holy Land. My feeling is that the signs which are to ap­ pear in the skies are but a part of that great galaxy of signs which will appear during the great tribulation. Will the Antichrist divide the land of Palestine, assigning the twelve tribes to their places? No, this will be done by Christ Him­ self. He alone can do this task because it will require heavenly wisdom and om­ niscience. Only God knows the various tribes to which the individual Jews be­ long. It is true that during his reign the Antichrist will make certain covenants with the Jews in the Holy Land and un­ doubtedly disputes over boundaries, etc., will be settled by him. I am a new Christian, and am very M A Y , 1 9 4 8

Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D. Principal, Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada

Our quarterly bulletin, I S R A E L M Y G L O R Y , sent to all contributors and also on request.

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