i m SAVED THRUTHISTRACT! Yes, nearly 3,500 who actually reported they found Christ through the twenty-four page sermon-book let, What Must 1 Do to Be Saved? by Evangelist John R. Rice. The largest known results from any piece o f Christian literature pub lished in modern times! Simple, many Scriptures, answers questions, gets decisions. Tinted paper, col ored ink. SAMPLE FREE. Send $1.00 for 50. Sword o f the Lord Publishers 214 W. Wesley, Dept. 6, Wheaton, III.
" N O M O R E S O R R O W " “He W ill Not Forget Me,” “Where the Tears Never Flow,” “There’s One Who Knows,” “ I’m Lonely Without You, Dear God” and 192 new, lifting melodies in 2 books. Special $1.00. REV. FRED M . W AEH LTE , MULINO, OREGON.
C RISP, white, frothy curtains—how I admire them! They just “ sparkle up” a room until it simply radiates hos pitality, friendliness and warmth. But oh, in the Spring how I dread to dis lodge them—dusty, droopy, sagging— from their position of long standing, to wash them! I sneeze as no hay fever sufferer ever did as I drop the curtains in a dejected heap—preparatory to the task ahead. Soon they go, one by one, into the tub of billowy, mountainous suds in the hope of their soon emerging refreshed from their seasonal bath. Only this time, the wandering curtains were bent upon being perverse, and with the gyrator of the washer as an accomplice, they all ended up in a huge interlocking knot. With great reluctance, I resigned my self to that which was mine to do. My patience had long since left me to strug gle alone after I had annihilated two good hours persuading Beth to eat her cereal, which she topped off by drench ing herself and the floor with milk. Well, I tugged and jerked at the stub born knot in the curtains. It gave a little—with a resulting tear in the fragile ruffle. By that time, I was so exasper ated that big tears began to quiver over the edge of their entrenchment. I wanted to ask the Lord to help me untangle the mess, but I felt ridiculous praying about such a trifling thing. However, as a last resort, I did lift up my heart to Him. Imagine my utter amazement as once- more I tackled the problem. Each rope of highly twisted material seemed to lift itself out of its fixed setting, and in no time each prisoned piece was free! Have you ever felt as though you faced this kind of maze of entanglements in your life? We get so disturbed, fret ful, and impatient when we can’t un ravel our problems by ourselves. But in God’s Book He has given us a solu tion for such occasions. He admonishes us: “ Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psa. 37:5). What an under standing Father is ours! He has prom ised to take hold of the reins of our lives if we will but give them over to Him, trusting His almighty wisdom to bring it to pass. Won’t you try it? It works, for God says so. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
oeiow, me i-acuity and Leaders of the Conference shown at left. Close daily contact of the young people with these devoted counsellors and teachers was a most powerful life incentive.
Island Lake Young People’s Bible Conference at Tacoma Field, Washington, during the summer of 1947, was a blessing to all who attended. 75 such conferences in all were conducted by earnest missionaries of A.S.S.U., with 5,540 young people enrolled.
“ I t e r a t i s i I m a s
U t t has brought me closer to my Saviour” 1 — “ has meant new friends, wonderful fellow ship, and mountain-top experiences” — ¡“ brought me answered prayer because souls were saved” like this camp because I was saved here” — such the glowing words of praise that flowed from eager youthful lips after a recent Young People’s Bible Conference of the A .S.S .U . in the Middle West. Bringing generous supplies o f food stuffs from their homes, these young people from the sand-hill cattle country and the irrigated sections of the Platte River Valley had their appetites well satisfied three times a day, and their souls were also well fed on ’ ’the Bread of Life,” as they sat day by day under the earnest instruction of a well-chosen faculty. The five Union missionaries who participated, together with some twenty other teachers and counsellors, had every phase of the conference well organized. There was perfect order in camp, and each individual received close but friendly supervision both day and night. A t the closing service o f the week on Sunday afternoon, the enthusiastic singing of this large group thrilled the hearts of all who heard it. The Saturday night gathering was one long to be remembered, when fifteen young men and women walked to the front, boldly confessing they were not ashamed that they had taken Christ as their Saviour during the conference days. Another group of twenty indicated their decision to enter full-time Christian
The A .S.S .U . aims to present only constructive teaching. We have no place, either for crit ical attacks or for doubts and uncertainties. W e stand for and emphasize those founda tional truths held in common by all evangelical Christians. These we teach from the Bible, in which we find the supreme revelation of God’s character and will, of His plan of sal vation, and of Christian train ing. W e seek to make these truths plain to all, while espe cially . adapting them to the needs of children and young people.
AMERICAN-^ Sunday School Union
Jesus said: “ The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchantman seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” (Matt. 13:45, 46 ). Write about these precious opportuni ties direct to Department of Missions, 1816-K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.
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